1.Sir (Joseph)Austen.1863--1937, British Conservative statesman; foreign secretary (1924--29); awarded a Nobel peace prize for his negotiation of the Locarno Pact (1925) 2.his father,Joseph.1836--1914, British statesman; originally a Liberal, he resigned in 1886 over Home Rule for Ireland...
The British occupy the Cape for the first time in response to activation of the Batavian Republic by the French – it’s short lived as the British settle a peace term with the Batavian vassal state and Napoleonic France – the Treaty of Amiens (1802) sees the British hand the colony ba...
Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from May 28, 1937, to May 10, 1940, whose name is identified with the policy of ‘appeasement’ toward Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the period immediately preceding World War II. Learn more about Ch
Sir Austen Chamberlain was a British foreign secretary from 1924 to 1929, who helped bring about the Locarno Pact (1925), a group of treaties intended to secure peace in western Europe by eliminating the possibility of border disputes involving Germany.
He returned to England a popular hero, speaking of “peace with honour” (echoing an earlier prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli) and “peace for our time.” Nonetheless, he immediately ordered the acceleration of the British rearmament program. When Hitler seized the rest of Czechoslovakia (March...