When Hitler came to power and during the early years of the Third Reich, even while Nazi Germany grew more and more threatening, almost everyone favoured the policy of 'appeasement', the search for peace by the redress of German grievances. Later, however, in 1938 and 1939, it became the...
Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister in the years leading up to World War II. In 1938,Adolph Hitlerhinted at his interest in invading the Sudetenland (an ethnically German region of Czechoslovakia). Fearing that the invasion would culminate in a world war, Chamberlain traveled to Ge...
Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from May 28, 1937, to May 10, 1940, whose name is identified with the policy of ‘appeasement’ toward Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the period immediately preceding World War II. Learn more about Ch
2.his father,Joseph.1836--1914, British statesman; originally a Liberal, he resigned in 1886 over Home Rule for Ireland and became leader of the Liberal Unionists; a leading advocate of preferential trading agreements with members of the British Empire ...
If we accept this to be true, that indeed it is 1938, Iran is Germany, Ahmadinejad is Hitler, then the question we have to ask ourself is, who wishes to play the role of Neville Chamberlain? 如果我们将此视为事实 事实上它就是1938年,伊朗就是德国, 艾哈迈迪内贾德就是希特勒, 那我们给自己...
mobilisieren oder weiterhin die Sudetendeut- schen unterdrücken.451 Ob sich Hitler hierbei von den Warnungen452 Großbri- tanniens beeinflussen ließ, die Goebbels als „ein starkes Stück" empfand (TG, 11.9. 1938), läßt sich nicht beantworten, Goebbels jedoch glaubte nicht dar...
"[m]ore than any man except Hitler - and Hitler could not have done it without him - [Chamberlain] was responsible for the transformation of Germany into the most powerful military state in Europe, which had begun, with Teutonic efficiency, the destruction of all European Jews and had ...
13.Mr. Chamberlain's loyalty and support was steadfast, and I was sure of myself.张伯伦先生对我的忠诚和支持是始终不渝的,我对自己满怀信心。 14.Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich张伯伦在慕尼黑企图以牺牲苏台德地区来安抚希特勒 ...
1938, als der von Hitler anvisierte Angriffstermin auf die Tschechoslowakei kurz bevorstand, kam es zu Konsultationen des NS-Regimes mit der ungarischen Führung – und mit Polen –über die sogenannte tschechoslo- 372 Telegramm des ungarischen Gesandten in Berlin, Döme Sztójay, an ...
The union of Austria and Germany in March 1938 - the Anschluss - forced by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany with the acquiescence of Italy was the first test of the appeasement strategy of the Neville Chamberlain government. Austro-German Anschluss did not occur unexpectedly: after Habsburg collapse ...