The variable NSA,p counts the total number of SA categories present in a given article, with min value 1 and max value 6; 72% of articles have two or more SA; the mean (median) SAp is 2.1 (2), with standard deviation 0.97. Disciplinary classification using CIP The second taxonomy ...
Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. (2001).
Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia UAE: United Arab Emirates UK: United Kingdom UMRB: Upper Mekong River Basin (China and Myanmar) UN: United Nations UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund UN MDGs: ...
Governance is a critical process within a data privacy program. As custodians,businesses are responsible for stewarding data privacywith accountability for compliance and oversight. Companies often underestimate the complexities and fail to make proper investments, resulting in undesirable consequences. ...
Managing transboundary river basins requires balancing tradeoffs of sustainable water use and coping with climate uncertainty. We demonstrate an integrated approach to exploring these issues through the lens of a social-ecological system, combining remote and in-situ earth observations, hydrologic and clima...
In 2005, Bangladesh developed the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA). In 2008, Bangladesh prepared Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) to strengthen its six pillars: Food security, Social protection and health; Comprehensive disaster management; Infrastructure; Research...
However, there are some issues regarding the teaching of the Quran to students with special learning needs, such as from the aspects of the level of readiness of teachers, the mastery of Islamic Education among teachers who teach Special Education, and the use of teaching aids to teach the ...
Mongolia, rich in gold and copper, had a 20-fold rise in FDI from 1997 to 2016 [43]. However, the abundance is not necessarily associated with the amount of FDI received by each country. Despite having vast natural resources such as gold, gas, and uranium, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan ...
(manyevenmovew iththeir entirefamilies),causingthevillagestolosetheirpoliticalelitewhiletheinteraction chainbetweenvillagershasbeenshortenedandsocialtrustinthevillageshasbeen weakened,therebygivingrisetoalowquahtyofruraldemocracy .Ontheother hand,largenumbersofmigrantworkershaveflockedintotheurbanizedvillagesin eastern...
PaaS is one of three types of cloud computing service (along with IaaS and SaaS). It refers to a platform that a cloud provider offers to users via the network. This is why it is called Platform-as-a-Service. This platform is hosted by the provider, within their infrastructure. The use...