India is fast becoming one of the most lucrative options for manufacturing industry to prosper. This research was carried out to study the current manufacturing strategies implied by India for its growth in the manufacturing sector. An analysis was done on the factors which affect the manufacturing...
Furthermore, intellectual property concerns are closely linked to generic drug manufacturing in these countries. While Indian law has provisions for compulsory licensing, which allows the production of generic versions of patented drugs in certain situations, it has ...
Make in India is an international marketing strategy, conceptualized by the Prime Minister of India, NarendraModi on 25 September 2014 to attract investments from businesses around the world and make India the manufacturing Hub. The aim is to take a share of manufacturing in country's gross domes...
India one of the top investment destinations for foreign manufacturing companies. However, foreign companies must understand the challenges as well as the opportunities that reside in India’s manufacturing industry to be able to establish their businesses and experience favourable...
Technology has played a major role in the growth of the manufacturing industry. Automation, robotics, and 3D printing have enabled manufacturers to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve product quality. In addition, the internet has allowed manufacturers to access new markets and customers, wh...
India has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and the highest working-age population. The country has a particular demand for skilled labour
Industry 4.0 has revolutionised manufacturing, presenting significant challenges for adoption, particularly in developing countries like India. This study identifies and evaluates challenges specific to the Indian automobile industry's implementation of Industry 4.0 to address this. Leveraging Latent Dirichlet ...
Agriculture provides goods for consumption and exports and manufacturing sectors. The suitable marketing system should be designed so as to give proper reward or return to the efforts of the tiller of the soil. Market information is a means of increasing the efficiency of marketing system and ...
(JW Insights) Apr 21 -- China's semiconductor industry saw a supply chain shift in the first quarter of 2023, according to a recent report by JW Insights analyst Zhao Yue. The shift involves upstream equipment, midstream design, testing, and manufacturing, as well as downstream applications in...
Faster,Sustainable and more Inclusive Growth has been at the core of India's Policy and Planning during the last decade.In the Low Carbon Strategy,drawn up in 2014 for India,energy efficiency in household,buildings,Industry and Transport has been highlighted to play a major role.Low Carbon supp...