ASCI, highlighted in itsannual complaints report for the period 2021–22that nearly 48% of the ads processed belonged to the digital medium; out of which, 29% constituted complaints against influencers. Most of
doi:10.5539/IJBM.V16N11P21Cai Qian QiuMandy Mok Kim ManCanadian Center of Science and Education
An election year historically yields instability, given competing regulatory priorities of new administrations. Additionally, rapidly evolving technologies like AI and biometrics are outpacing existing legal and ethical frameworks. Managing risk in this type of environment re...
Making technology our differentiator plays a central role in our change and growth journey and will focus our actions across the entire firm. Technology sits at the heart of delivering the client experience, enabling the bank of today and tomorrow. UBS’s first and foremost priority is always to...
Looking and managing these marketing matrices help you and your team to take your next step based on strong data, rather than the ever-changing get feeling. You can use marketing dashboards provided by companies likeKilpfolio, Datorama, andTableauto help you make this humongous task a lot eas...
Follow Managing Marketing onSoundcloud,Podbean,Google Podcasts,TuneIn,Stitcher,Spotify,Apple PodcastandAmazon Podcasts. And in an industry that’s churning at a rate that none of us wanted to churn at, will the people in the room be there in 12 months’ time?
(Malhotra, 2001) with families managing rural companies participating in the “Training program for owners and heirs of agribusiness companies: Transforming heirs into partners.” This training program was offered by the National Rural Education Service (SENAR) of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) and Mato ...
and security within the supply chain. Additionally, blockchain can ensure compliance with serialization standards, protect intellectual property, maintain patient privacy, and prevent data tampering within R&D. Crucially, it offers a secure method for managing the intricate data involved in producing perso...
This research has considered market orientation (MO) capability, infrastructure capability, and innovation talent capability as the dimensions of data-driven innovation capabilities (DDIC) for addressing and managing global challenges (Sultana et al., 2022). 2.1 Market orientation capability Kohli and ...
Lemaire and Limbourg [4] studied SDG 12 further, detailing the causes, solutions and research challenges related to managing food loss and waste. Among other categories, they highlighted the importance of efficient logistics/supply chain network design for reducing waste. Food quality tends to decline...