Consequently, by identifying challenges of MapReduce in handling big data security issues, open horizon for new research in this field.Keywords :-Big Data, Map Reduce ,Accountability , Access Control, privacypreservation; Big Data, HomomorphicSara Masood...
The term " Big Data " refer to the gigantic bulkiness of data which cannot be dealt with by conventional data-handling techniques. Big Data is a new conception, and in this article we are going to intricate it in a clear fashion. It commences with the conception of the subject in itself...
On the more technical side, Data Retention is a big challenge. Privacy principles are stating that "you should not keep data for longer than needed", but the minimum retention is defined by different set of laws. This makes it hard to find ...
Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning are two high-focus of data science. Big Data has become important as many organizations both public and private have been collecting massive amounts of domain-specific information, which can contain useful information
Big Data – Concepts, Applications, Challenges and Future Scope The term, Big Data` has been coined to refer to the gargantuan bulk of data that cannot be dealt with by traditional data-handling techniques. Big Data is still a novel concept, and in the following literature we intend to elab...
These days big data plays a vital role in everyone life in almost every professional or non professional domains. In this paper we will discuss various issues and challenges related Big Data handling. Big Data has numbers of application in different domains. Big Data is now rapidly expanding in...
New competitors must be able to attract employees who possess critical skills in handling Big Data. By harnessing Big Data, businesses gain many advantages, including increased operational efficiency, informed strategic direction, improved customer service, new products, and new customers and markets. ...
Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning are two high-focus of data science. Big Data has become important as many organizations both public and private have been collecting massive amounts of domain-specific information, which can contain useful information
Big-data-driven safety decision-making: A conceptual framework and its influencing factors 2018, Safety Science Show abstract Bloom filter based optimization scheme for massive data handling in IoT environment 2018, Future Generation Computer Systems Citation Excerpt : Interrelated data analysis provides tr...
Big Data includes but is not limited to, being constantly updated, both organized and unstructured, coming from many sources, and being stored in a number of ways. These are a few of the problems that businesses may have with big data handling. Furthermore, it is considera...