Keeping a small business going isn’t for the faint of heart. While 80% of companies with fewer than 500 employees make it through Year 1,says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce(opens in new tab), just 70% are still operating at the end of the second year. By the time they hit ...
Budget constraints are a problem in all areas for a small business. But the biggest mistake owners make is not earmarking somebudget strictly for marketing. You’ll read tons of articles on how marketing in the social age is “free,” which makes entrepreneurs feel like they should be able ...
In today’s digital-first business climate, every business needs to be able to take payments online. But no business can afford to pay through the nose for the privilege. If you’re paying a high proportion of your revenue to your payment platform provider, you may well find that there ...
One more of the biggest challenges for small business owners? Finding ways to work more efficiently. You can start by:Shopping for point-of-sale (POS) systems If you run a real-world storefront, you need fast and easy ways for customers to pay for services using multiple payment methods—...
Right now, we need small businesses to boost the sagging economy. But it’s tough going for small businesses. To see where small business owners are facing challenges, I have called on the contributor network of entrepreneurs and experts to provide what they believe are the bigge...
Summing it up for the Small Business Owner Small businesses have unique challenges that need to be navigated with intelligence and care. Small business owners do not have the resources available to large corporations, so creativity and ingenuity play a big role. As we have discussed, overcoming ...
Small Business How the Prompt Pay Pledge Helped One Small Business Get Paid on Time The U.S. Chamber’s Prompt Pay Pledge asks large companies to commit to quicker payment for invoices to their small business suppliers.By Thaddeus Swanek Small Business Small Business Outlook: Confidence Continues...
I also answered one of the biggest marketing challenges for small businesses,How To Create Killer Content: Speak To A Customerwhere I tell very simply how you can use your customer stories to tell your story. But most importantly, to tell it usingtheir wordsand by showing how you are solvin...
Starting a business is a significant achievement for many entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenge. There are many challenges that every business—large or small—faces. Hiring the right people, building a brand, and developing a customer base are some common challenges. However, ...
Small Businesses Need Big Ideas: The Federal Reserve Examines the Challenges of Small Business FinancingAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, small businesses accounted for 34 percent of...Farr, Jessica