Facing the Challenges of Today and the Future: Ensuring Successful Outcomes for Students from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds : Multicultural Learning and TeachingKelly Carrero
One of the biggest challenges that developing countries are facing today is the question of financing, says Haoliang Xu, UN undersecretary-general and associate administrator of UNDP. In an exclusive interview with CGTN host Tian Wei, Xu explains the key measures needed to address the ...
A theme not occurring at all among present novices but noted by five experienced leaders was that of adjusting to the culture of a new school as its leader. This phenomenon may be explained by the value more seasoned leaders have developed for factors inherent in a campus culture. 展开 ...
ChallengesFacingtheYouthinToday’sSociety Mostoftheproblemsfacingtoday’syoutharenotrestrictedtoanyone ethnicorreligiousgroup,butaffectyoungpeoplegenerally.Most discussionsonyouthhavefocussedonissuessuchasdrugabuse,crime, violence,sexualityandpoverty.Inadditiontothese,today’syouthare ...
Now, Korea is facing some of the biggest challenges it has seen since. I’d highlight two in particular: One is a shift in demographics. We’re seeing declining population growth everywhere in the world, but Korea is by far one of the worst. I was born in the 1970s era, where a ...
Unluckily, the Yellow River is facing great challenges today, including pollution, overuse of water and so on. 34 . For example, we reduce pollution by using environmentally friendly products. Besides, we plant trees along the riverbank. Taking care of the Yellow River is everyone's duty. 35...
This is one of the funniest YouTube challenges. Fill your mouth with water, take two chairs, and sit facing the other participant. Then turn on some innuendo sound snippets of YouTubes and try not to laugh. Laughing will make you spit the water all over yourself and the other player,...
1.facing 这里表示“面对学生的挑战”,challenge和face构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以需用动词-ing形式作后置定语。故填facing。2.when 名词age后接的是定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作状语。故填when。3. factors one of后应接名词复数。故填 factors。4.is此句主语是One of the most important factors其中最重要的因...
Increasingly high-profile research is being undertaken into the socio-environmental challenges associated with the over-production and consumption of food from animals. Transforming food systems to mitigate climate change and hidden hunger, ensure food s
The education that today’s business schools provide is being severely criticized by their various stakeholders. These include current students, teachers, and alumni, as well as the companies and organizations that ultimately employee their graduates. Ma