Gossip is so much fun and so very tempting. Especially because it bonds us with other people. But gossip, in essence, is to speak “with the intent of eroding another person’s reputation, image, or standing in the recipient’s eyes”. If you find yourself falling into the too much gos...
Now put those money dates on the calendar and get ready to give yourself a high five when you achieve your first goal.
1. Label 100 envelopes from 1 to 100 You can be as creative with this as you wish. Some people embrace their inner crafter and create colored envelopes with calligraphy. Others stick to classic white envelopes and a marker for numbering. What's important is that you use each number only ...
and in the meantime I discovered the secret of the universe, and golly, it’s great I kept notes because here I am with this book deal…” things. But it turned quickly into something rather unexpected, a non-adventurous