In order to help get our writing motors running, today I bring you two writing challenges. These holiday writing prompts are intended to push your creativity and get you writing even if you are still a little hung over from the spiked eggnog you had last night. What I love most about wr...
Each is a 1-week online class featuring six lectures written by me, lots of screenwriting insider tips, logline workshops, optional writing exercises, 24/7 message board conversations, teleconferences with course participants and myself to discuss anything related to the craft. ...
I think I would get so bored if Ididn’t have all this shit going on around me. I do bring a lot of it on myself. I grew up in a crazy house, two of them. I’m sure I would’ve been taken into protective custody if any of that had happened today. Both my parents houses ...
After replying to a comment to my last post about creating superheroes randomly with RPGs as a kid, I decided to use one of the few superhero systems I haven't tried out yet: TINY SUPERS. I randomized all selections and gave myself the rule that I could discard a randomly rolled ...
Next I thought about myself and my long term goals both within work and outside. I concluded that my fundamental motivations were to be true to my faith in all I do and to provide love and support to my family. My Christian faith teaches that we should work hard and make time for ou...
I’m working on my second novel, which is kind of a re-write of the first. I’m so glad that I decided to start because now I don’t want to stop writing, whereas for the past week, I couldn’t even get myself to open Microsoft Word. ...
WITH BREAKS. AND SNACKS.AND BREAD THAT I BAKED MYSELF!!Holy $#!+B@££$!! Keep going, writers!! I have never done this before this fast. Your Fade Out is on its way.Wonderful news! It’s getting to that time in the Challenge where more folks will be posting similar things ...
2. 10 things about myself I’ve never told anyone. I personally feel like I am an open book, so this one would be tough for me. But if I really thought about it, I’m sure I would be able to come up with 10 things I’ve never told anyone. ...
The answers to these questions will make a difference in how successful you can become. Think about the way you show up in the world… Are you someone who turns away from people and situations where others step in and lend a hand? That was my story for many years. I told myself that...
In this lego challenge, students will use the prompts to create ocean animals and items out of lego, duplo, bricks, or even playdough and then learn something about what they’ve created. Simply print pdf file with lego challenge ideas and you are read to play and learn! MY LATEST VIDEOS...