Mr K Sanath Kumar has been named acting Chairman and Managing Director of India's state-owned reinsurer GIC Re, in addition to his role as General Manager and Director starting this month. GIC Re's leadership had been vacant since its former Chairman and MD A K Roy retired last month. A...
Our IPO cornerstone investors include Blackrock, Capital Group, GIC, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Swiss Re and CP Group. Photo - Source:...
(1) GIC Private Limited National Social Security Council Domestic Shares Beneficial owner H Shares Interest held by controlled corporations Interest held by controlled corporations Approved lending agent H Shares Investment manager H Shares Beneficial owner 1,876,156,000 (Long position) 401,570 (Long ...
China's premium revenue is expected to reach 700 billion yuan (US$27 billion) this year, a growth of 24% from last year and more than double the level in 2003, said Mr Wu Dingfu, Chairman of CIRC.
Such change is primarily due to the drawdown of the Otsuka loans of US$200 million, the issuance of GIC convertible bonds of US$100 million and the drawndown of other interest-bearing borrowings, primarily for the payment of the acquisition of the OrthoRecon business of US$279 million for ...
Microsoft in talks to join $100m round of Indian gaming unicorn 1 min read GIC to invest $50m in India-based beverages firm 1 min read Tencent eyes larger stake in Ubisoft 1 min read Tencent, Sony buy stake in Elden Ring developer for $260m 1 min read Sudden layoffs hit Tencent gaming...
Companies - Self-declaration that it qualifies as 'Insurer' as per Section 2(7A) of the Insurance Act, 1938 and has full beneficial interest with respect to the ordinary shares owned by it along with self-attested copy of PAN card and certificate of registration with IRDA/ LIC/ GIC. b...
mak e t ec h no lo gic al i nn ov at ion s .an d up g rad e ou r in d ust ri al stru ct ure .F inancial reg ulato rs sho uld ,as al ways ,adhere to the essential req uirement that the fi nancial sector sh ould serv e the real econo my.T hey should prov...