undoubtedly utilize an extension cord to make it longer. Simply ensure you have a substantial additional cord that can deal with the power load. One significant advantage of a corded saw is that all you have to do to start it is plug it in. You don’t have to worry about tough pull-...
If you’re new to tree trimming, this is a great gateway tool. Its ergonomic shape and easy to grip handles minimize the amount of risks involved in cutting. Since there’s no electric cord, you can worry less about bad weather. Instead, you can put your focus on pruning your greenery ...
In my perfect world, the Chainsaw would have external cable routing. But most mountain bikers seem to have internal-routing expectations. Fine. As I've seen more and more issues with stuck-up tube-in-tube internal routing and multiple stripped-out bolt-on cable ports at the bike shop, I'...
No, it's not like the movies where you see someone rip the cord and the blades start spinning automatically. There's usually going to be a few additional steps there depending on the brand and model you have. Typically, there's a safety trigger you pull down and then you press a trigg...