Chainsaw Man: Created by Tatsuki Fujimoto. With Kikunosuke Toya, Ryan Colt Levy, Tomori Kusunoki, Shôgo Sakata. Following a betrayal, a young man left for dead is reborn as a powerful devil-human hybrid after merging with his pet devil and is soon enl
Chainsaw Man | 360 hits ☰ Random Anime Share ▼ Story Denji’s a poor young man who’ll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil Pochita. He’s a simple man with simple dreams, drowning under a mountain of debt. But his sad life gets turned upside ...
请更换浏览器再试试哦~ 1540 208 987 174 稿件举报 记笔记 原作:LiarMask 转载、侵删,藤本树我的超人 Devil in Your Heart (Explicit) 动画 MAD·AMV OP AMV 动漫 MAD 剪辑 主题曲 动画 热血
Katana vs. Chainsaw: Directed by Ryû Nakayama, Masato Nakazono. With Kikunosuke Toya, Shiori Izawa, Tomori Kusunoki, Shôgo Sakata. Denji, Makima, and the rest are taking down the rogue Yakuza who made a deal with the Gun Devil.
电锯侠魔鬼城是一款动作冒险类游戏, 游戏中,玩家将扮演电锯侠,进入充满恐怖与谜团的魔鬼城堡,探索其中的秘密和危险。同时游戏采用了逼真的图形和音效,营造出紧张恐怖的氛围,让玩家沉浸在游戏中,体验到真正的恐怖感。另外,游戏中还有各种各样的武器和敌人,让玩家可以体验到不同的战斗方式和策略。快来下载试试吧!
Mission Start: Directed by Masato Nakazono, Ryû Nakayama, Takeru Satoh. With Kikunosuke Toya, Tomori Kusunoki, Shôgo Sakata, Ai Fairouz. Aki Hayakawa meets the Future Devil and asks him what he'd like to trade in exchange for his abilities. The Fut
Story Arc Bat Devil arc Chapter Chronology ← Chapter 10 Chapter 12→ Chapter 11 Images Compromise (妥だ協きょう Dakyō?) is the 11th chapter of the Chainsaw Man manga series. Summary Denji wakes up in a hospital bed and sees Aki Hayakawa peeling an apple. He tells him that they ...
🙂The preview is missing or broken.The live wallpaper is missing or broken.The depth parallax wallpaper is missing or broken.This is a repost. (Please give us the link of the same wallpaper on this site so we can delete the repost)I have a suggestion to improve the site or software...
电锯人恶魔城之战(Chainsaw Man Devil City)(易速软件园提供下载)是一款能让玩家小伙伴们操控强大的电锯人主人公来开启各种残酷恶魔之战的冒险动作类手游。本作游戏中的电锯人主人公是有着十分多样化的技能模组可以让玩家小伙伴们进行切换使用的,并且玩家小伙伴们在升级了电锯人主人公的属性等级后也是可以解锁出更加高级...