Chapter 1 Operations and Supply Chain Management:1章供应链管理和操作 供应链和供应链管理中的信息共享The role of supply chain processes and information sharing in supply chain management Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science - Vol 11 Supply Chain Management.pdf [经济学]Introduction to...
operations and supply chain讲义 management 精品 operationsandsupplychainmanagement 谢谢观看
Chapter 01 Operations and Supply Chain Management 热度: Chapter1 Introduction DiscussionQuestions UsingExhibit1.3asamodel,describethesource-make-deliver-returnrelationshipsinthefollowingsystems: a.Anairline Source:Aircraftmanufacturer,in-flightfood,repairparts,computersystems ...
网络释义 1. 运营和供应链管理 *2012... ... Marketing( 市场营销)Operations and Supply Chain Management(运营和供应链管理) Accounting( 会计) ...|基于36个网页 2. 运营和应用链管理学 ... Management 管理学Operations and Supply Chain Management运营和应用链管理学Politics and Mass ...
《Operations and Supply Chain Management 英文原版》作者:McGraw Hill Higher Education,出版社:2010年11月 第13版,ISBN:485.50。
Operations and Supply Chain Management, as the title indicates, provides increased emphasis on supply chain management in the 13th Edition. The 13th Edition continues its market leading up-to-date coverage of service operations as well. The text includes solved examples and problems, enough cases fo...
供应链和运营 (SCO) 专业人员管理组织内部和组织之间的商品、服务和信息流。在每个组织和每个行业中,SCO 专业人员都确保产品的制造、服务的提供和客户的满意。 上合组织的专业人员应对可持续发展挑战,包括有效利用资源和负责任的采购。 SCO 专业人士通过跨职能和跨组织的协作来广泛地看待业务。 SCO 专业人员是实际问题...
Russell and Taylor's Operations and Supply Chain Management, 8th Edition is designed to teach students how to analyze processes, ensure quality, create value, and manage the flow of information and products, while creating value along the supply chain in a global environment. Russell and Taylor ...
MBA(Operations and Supply Chain Management) 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 开学时间: 1、5、8月 专业简介 本校的运营和供应链管理专业方向为学生设立了成功的市场运营和供应链管理中的商务管理的理论和实践的基础课程。课程提供了很多不同运营管理的课程,其中覆盖了这个领域的大体部分,或者选择专修一个特殊领域的课程,...