B-9 Indifference, a program that generates a Star Trek: The Next Generation script of arbitrary length using Markov chains trained on the show’s episode and movie scripts. [code] adam, polish poetry generator. [code] Stackexchange Simulator, which uses StackExchange's bulk data to generate ran...
B-9 Indifference, a program that generates a Star Trek: The Next Generation script of arbitrary length using Markov chains trained on the show’s episode and movie scripts. [code] adam, polish poetry generator. [code] Stackexchange Simulator, which uses StackExchange's bulk data to generate ran...
B-9 Indifference, a program that generates a Star Trek: The Next Generation script of arbitrary length using Markov chains trained on the show’s episode and movie scripts. [code] adam, polish poetry generator. [code] Stackexchange Simulator, which uses StackExchange's bulk data to generate ran...
@MarkovPicard, a Twitter bot based onStar Trek: The Next Generationtranscripts. [code] sekrits.herokuapp.com, amarkovify-powered quiz that challenges you to tell the difference between "two file titles relating to matters of [Australian] national security" — one real and one fake. [code] ...
B-9 Indifference, a program that generates a Star Trek: The Next Generation script of arbitrary length using Markov chains trained on the show’s episode and movie scripts. [code] adam, polish poetry generator. [code] Stackexchange Simulator, which uses StackExchange's bulk data to generate ran...
If you've accidentally read your text as one long sentence, markovify will be unable to generate new sentences from it due to a lack of beginning and ending delimiters. This can happen if you've read a newline delimited file using themarkovify.Textcommand instead ofmarkovify.NewlineText. To...
you've read a newline delimited file using themarkovify.Textcommand instead ofmarkovify.NewlineText. To check this, the command[key for key in txt.chain.model.keys() if "___BEGIN__" in key]command will return all of the possible sentence starting words, and should return more than one...
have read a newline delimited file using themarkovify.Textcommand instead ofmarkovify.NewlineText. To check this, the command[key for key in txt.chain.model.keys() if "___BEGIN__" in key]command will return all of the possible sentence-starting words and should return more than one ...
you've read a newline delimited file using themarkovify.Textcommand instead ofmarkovify.NewlineText. To check this, the command[key for key in txt.chain.model.keys() if "___BEGIN__" in key]command will return all of the possible sentence starting words, and should return more than one...
have read a newline delimited file using themarkovify.Textcommand instead ofmarkovify.NewlineText. To check this, the command[key for key in txt.chain.model.keys() if "___BEGIN__" in key]command will return all of the possible sentence-starting words and should return more than one ...