freewill and how does he develop that theme from the beginning to the end of Macbeth? Why is the balcony scene so famous in Romeo and Juliet? What rich language and vocabulary does Shakespeare use in this scene? In the pl...
They used the MACBETH method to rank the other options. ULUTAŞ et al.37 used the fuzzy AHP and fuzzy OCRA methods in their methodology for supplier selection. They used fuzzy AHP to compute the criteria weights and fuzzy OCRA method to rank the alternatives. Zakeri et al.38 used ...
(14.43) 0.01 (1.76) 0.09ÃÃ (6.83) 0.00 (0.90) 0.02ÃÃ (3.93) YES 55,970 0.461 36 Note: Estimates are from Fama-MacBeth regressions of the downstream supply chain carbon exposure (in logs) on scope 1, 2, 3 carbon intensity (in logs), MSCI E-pillar, and MSCI Climate Change...
A deterministic MCDA analysis by means of MACBETH followed, which compared the alternatives based on their steady-state performances. Similarly, the authors of [56] used a discrete-time Markov chain to evaluate the average performance of each alternative and model the dynamic systems’ behavior. ...
Thus, different multi-criteria evaluation techniques such as VIKOR, TOPSIS, WASPAS, PROMETHEE, and MACBETH (measuring attractiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique) could be employed to achieve the same goal, and findings could be compared. The methodology used in this study can also ...
Macbeth, D.K.; Ferguson, N. Strategic aspects of supply chain management. Integr. Manuf. Syst. 1991, 2, 8–12. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tate, W.L.; Ellram, L.M.; Kirchoff, J.F. Corporate social responsibility reports: A thematic analysis related to supply chain management. J. ...
[33], contingency theory [34], system theory [35], and natural accident theory [36]. Each of these theoretical perspectives highlights a different characteristic of supply chain complexity, with the most frequently emphasised components being variety, unpredictability, randomness, and uncertainty [37]...
Thus, different multi-criteria evaluation techniques such as VIKOR, TOPSIS, WASPAS, PROMETHEE, and MACBETH (measuring attractiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique) could be employed to achieve the same goal, and findings could be compared. The methodology used in this study can also ...
Thus, different multi-criteria evaluation techniques such as VIKOR, TOPSIS, WASPAS, PROMETHEE, and MACBETH (measuring attractiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique) could be employed to achieve the same goal, and findings could be compared. The methodology used in this study can also ...
Huang, Y.; Han, W.; Macbeth, D.K. The complexity of collaboration in supply chain networks. Supply Chain Manag. Int. J. 2020, 25, 393–410. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Zekhnini, K.; Cherrafi, A.; Bouhaddou, I.; Benghabrit, Y.; Garza-Reyes, J.A. Supply cha...