2.256位AES有三个版本(128位、192位和256位),而XChaCha20只有256位版本。 3.与256位AES不同,XChaCha20可以在没有特殊硬件的情况下顺畅使用,这使得加密更容易落实,更不容易出现技术和人为错误。 4.XChaCha20比256位AES更快,因此您不太可能为连接速度慢而烦恼。若没有特殊的硬件,256位AES落后于无需硬件的XCha...
Strong encryption means that even if cybercriminals were somehow able to compromise an application or database, the data would essentially be useless to them. Wherever you land on the XChaCha20 vs. AES 256 debate, that level of security should be your ultimate goal....
For instance, AES with a 256-bit key goes through 14 rounds. Once encrypted, the data can be sent safely over the web, and only someone with the right key can decrypt it; otherwise, the data is unreadable. What is XChaCha20 encryption? Like AES, XChaCha20 is symmetric encryption, ...
QUIC indeed uses both AEAD for payload encryption (AES-GCM or ChaCha20Poly1305) and AES-ECB or ChaCha20 to mask the packet headers. I currently have a huge performance gap (about 10x) between my C implementation and the Python one, but its not all due to encryption, I suspect my byte...
Expand All @@ -230,8 +257,10 @@ static const LIBSSH2_CRYPT_METHOD libssh2_crypt_method_aes256_cbc = { 16, /* blocksize */ 16, /* initial value length */ 32, /* secret length -- 32*8 == 256bit */ 0, /* length of the authentication tag */ 0, /* flags */ &crypt_init...
对称加密算法 发送方和接收方需要持有同一把密钥,发送消息和接收消息均使用该密钥。 相对于非对称加密,...
No extra options needed, although my server defaults to ~AES256-GCM-SHA384 in stead of Chacha20-Poly1305. (Note: ChaCha ciphers are entered befóre the AES ciphers and I've got SSLHonorCipherOrder on On.) Probably because of that fancy CloudFlare algorithm which detects AES-NI at the clie...
It's naturally constant time. AES-GCM needs either dedicated hardware or extreme effort to be fast and constant-time, while this design is easy to make constant-time. 2. It's fast on modern processors: it runs at 1GB/s on my IvyBrige system. 3. It's seeing significant use in TLS....
Testing robust (perfect) forward secrecy, (P)FS -- omitting Null Authentication/Encryption, 3DES, RC4 PFS is offered (OK) ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 Elliptic curves offered: prime256...