关于“La Chablisienne Les Venerables Vieilles Vignes, Chablis, France”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 2017年 帕克团队 90 La Chablisienne's most serious village wine is the 2017 Chablis Les Vénérables Vieilles Vignes, a cuvée produced from vines averaging 50 years of age. It is only ...
关于“la chablisienne les venerables chardonnay (chablis)”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 2010年 《葡萄酒爱好者》 89 11/1/2012 While the wine seems at first rich, it then shows a tautly acidic character that gives a refreshing character to the roundness. That steely acidity is wh...
La Chablisienne's most serious village wine is the 2017 Chablis Les Vénérables Vieilles Vignes, a cuvée produced from vines averaging 50 years of age. It is only released once it has a bit of bottle age: the 2015 is currently being commercialized. It's more reserved, unwinding in the ...
夏布利(Chablis) Chablis(夏布利)位于勃艮第最北部,距离巴黎只有111英里,可以说是勃艮第的“黄金大门”。它是一个酿酒历史悠久的小镇,是勃艮第北部地区的葡萄酒业重地。夏布利是举世闻名的法定产区,令无数品酒者和爱酒人士心驰神往。夏布利的土壤为混合小石子的石灰岩和泥灰岩。这些被称为“Kimmeridgien(… 【详情...