ChabaziteZeolitePhotoluminescenceChabazite-Ca deposited on dacite laccolith from Os贸di Hill, Dunabogd谩ny, Hungary, exhibited bluish-white luminescence under ultraviolet (UV) light. The photoluminescence (PL) and optical excitation spectra of chabazite-Ca were obtained at 300K. The PL spectrum under...
IRON-ZEOLITE CHABAZITE CATALYST FOR USE IN NOx REDUCTION AND METHOD OF MAKING 发明人: Montreuil Clifford Norman 申请人: 申请日期: 2014-02-19 申请公布日期: 2015-08-20 代理机构: 代理人: 地址: Dearborn MI US 摘要: An iron-zeolite chabazite (CHA) catalyst is provided as an SCR catalyst...
Near-UV (NUV)-excitable blue-light-emitting Eu2+ ions-doped Ca-chabazite Ca1.9Al3.8Si8.2O24 phosphor was synthesized by facile urea-assisted combustion synthesis method. Prepared materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) study, scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and ...
, “ Crystal Structures with a Chabazite Framework. I: Dehydrated Ca-Chabazite ,” Acta Cryst. , 15 , 835 ( 1962 ).Smith JV (1962) Crystal structures with a chabazite framework I. Dehydrated Ca-chabazite. Acta Cryst 15:835–845
Dehydration behavior of a natural hydrated Ca-chabazite with composition (Ca1.57Na0.49)(Al3.39Si8.55)O24·12.47H2O has been studied by the structure analyses based on the in-situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction data at 100, 200 and 250 °C. Among the five water sites (OW...
Gale, D. Nicholson, E. Artacho, and J. Soler, A Computa- tional Exploration of Cation Locations in High-Silica Ca - Chabazite, in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 128, edited by B. Del- mon and J. T. Yates, pages 89-98, Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam, 2000....
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of a largely Cs-exchanged natural Ca-chabazite: Crystal-chemical factors for its excellent Cs-exchange abilitydoi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2024.113262ZeoliteChabaziteCs-exchangeExtraframework speciesSingle-crystal X-ray diffraction...
We present results of grand ensemble Monte Carlo simulation studies of the adsorption of nitrogen in Ca-chabazite containing two Ca ions per unit cell. The probable Ca ion locations were taken from previous work, and the simulations were made in relaxed but rigid framework structures. Ca ion ...
Perona, J. J., “Model for Sr-Cs-Ca-Mg-Na Ion-Exchange Equilibria on Chabazite,” J. AIChE , 39 (10), 1716 (1993).Perona, J. J., "Model for Sr-Cs-Ca-Mg-Na Ion-exchange Equilibria on Chabazite," AIChE J., 39, 1716 (1993)....
We present results of grand ensemble Monte Carlo simulation studies of the adsorption of nitrogen in Ca-chabazite containing two Ca ions per unit cell. The probable Ca ion locations were taken from previous work, and the simulations were made in relaxed but rigid framework structures. Ca ion ...