车银优(CHA EUN WOO)和朴彩英(ROSÉ)携圣罗兰 Y Bag 包亮相,这款包的设计灵感源自圣罗兰标志性的 'Y' 字母造型,最早于 70 年代首次亮相,获得崭新诠释,将这一设计元素融入包身结构中,呈现出独特且令人难忘...
#萌主推剧[超话]# chaeunwoo车银优💙作为演员2017–2023饰演的角色合集~新增了Seowon未完待续… Cr logo ps:Seowon该版本在tiktok上疯传浏览量已达13 million 👉1300万啦[哆啦A梦害怕] #车银优##차은우##happychae...
车银优(Cha EunWoo),本名李东敏,1997年3月30日出生于京畿道安养市,韩国歌手、演员,男子组合Astro成员,就读于成均馆大学演技艺术系。 2014年,参演情感电影《扑通扑通我的人生》。2015年,主演网络剧《To be continued》。2016年2月,随Astro组合发行首张迷你专辑《Spring Up》,正式出道;10月,担任MBC音乐节目《show...
Cha Yeon Woo is a South Korean actor and model.Edit Biography Drama YearTitle#RoleRating 2018Mama Fairy and the Woodcutteradd 16 [Nobel in web novel] Guest Role 6.7 2016Person Who Gives Happinessadd 118 Kang Man Soo Support Role 7.5
CHA EUNWOO (ASTRO) Profile and Facts: CHA EUNWOO (차은우)is a member ofASTRO, an actor, model, and soloist underFantagio Entertainment. He debuted inASTROon February 23rd, 2016 and made his acting debut in 2014 as a minor role in the film‘My Palpitating Life’. ...
The famous star perfectly divides his time between acting and singing. This year, he starred in the fantasy drama 'A Good Day To Be A Dog' and the revenge series 'Wonderful World.' Both Kdramas aired on the MBC TV network. Cha Eun Woo has also been an active member of the boy band...
Además de su carrera musical con Astro, Cha Eun Woo ha consolidado su popularidad en lo individual
Cha Eun Woo also plans to unveil all of his tracks at his upcoming Seoul fan-con, '2024 Just One 10 Minute - Mystery Elevator', taking place on February 17. Watch Cha Eun Woo's prologue above, and let us know what you think in the comments below. ...
1. ASTRO Cha Eun Woo 2. Former Wanna One Park Ji Hoon 3. Super Junior Kyuhyun 4. Highlight Lee Gikwang 5. Former Wanna One Kang Daniel 6. SEVENTEEN Jeonghan 7. TVXQ Yunho 8. Former NU’EST & Wanna One Hwang Minhyun 9. SEVENTEEN Jun ...
CHA EUN WOOis a multidimensional artist who has easily mastered the acting, singing, and modeling industries, with his charisma and flexibility making him a household figure and winning over audiences since his screen debut in the 2014 film “My Brilliant Life,” and becoming a member of Fantagi...