the unique nanoscale 3D arrays of SBUs greatly enhance the scattering of Auger/Compton electrons during a cascade of ionizing events and lead to additional production of low-energy electrons (LEEs; 0–20 eV) (Fig.1)21.
A conservative CO2-Methanol (CH3OH) regeneration cycle, to capture and reutilize the greenhouse gas of CO2 by aqueous hydrogenation for industry-useful CH3OH and to convert aqueous CH3OH solution by dehydrogenation for the clean energy of hydrogen (H2),
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China under grant number MOST 104-2221-E-011-169-MY3. Author Contributions Xm.eCa.suexriencguhteyddraollgethneyeiexlpdebryimGeCn.tDal.Hw.oKr.kcsoenxdcuecpttedfotrhHe m2 patreordiaulcstdio...