[EINECS] 235-892-2 [EINECS] 75-52-5 [RN] Methane, nitro- [ACD/Index Name] Nitrometan [Polish] Nitromethan [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name] Nitromethane [ACD/IUPAC Name] Nitrométhane [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name] Nitromethylene Unverified
Names and synonyms Verified 210-870-5 [EINECS] 624-91-9 [RN] Methyl nitrite [ACD/IUPAC Name] Methylnitrit [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name] METHYLNITRITE Nitrite de méthyle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name] Nitrous acid, methyl ester [ACD/Index Name] ...
(s): 75-52-5; 104306-48-1Substance Name(s): Nitromethane; NMComponent 2: Element System: C-HFormula: C 8 H 10 Relative Molar Mass: 106.17CAS Registry Number(s): 100-41-4Substance Name(s): EthylbenzeneRelated Documents: Landolt-Brnstein Homepage Volume IV/23A Introduction Index List of...
Product Name:Parathion [ring-14C(U)] (CH3CH2O)2P[S]OC6H4NO2 Synonyms:Parathion [ring-14C(U)] (CH3CH2O)2P[S]OC6H4NO2 CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Information Error Report Your Email: Browse by NationalityParathion [ring-14C(U)] (CH3CH2O)2P[S]OC6H4NO2SuppliersChina...
25989-48-4 Basic Information Chemical Name1-CH{N(CH3)2}CH2COC6H5-2-C6H5-1.2-C2B10H10 CAS No.25989-48-4 Molecular FormulaC19H29B10NO Molecular Weight395.55 PSA20.31000 LogP-3.08450 View More25989-48-4 Properties Related Products
Substance Name(s): Methanamide; Formamide Component 2: Element System: C-H-O Formula: C4H10O2 Relative Molar Mass: 90.12 CAS Registry Number(s): 110-63-4 Substance Name(s): Butane-1,4-diol; 1,4-Butylene glycol Related Documents: Landolt-Börnstein Homepage Volume IV/23A Intro...
doi:10.1080/00268977800101831The geometrical coefficients that are involved in the nuclear relaxation time (T 1) of TCNQ salts are calculated. The model uses the spin-density distribution in TCNQ- which is obtained from MO calculations. The angular dependence of T 1 is computed and compared to ...
K-dithiocarbamat von Pyrrol reagiert mit Mo2(OAc)4 und Triphenylphosphinoxid zu dem neutralen cis-Titelkomplex (I), an dessen Benzol- Sesquisolvat die Molekül- und Kristallstruktur (RG PI; Z=2) ermittelt werden.D.M.BAIRDP.E.FANWICKT.BARWICKWileyChemischer Informationsdienst...
doi:10.1002/chin.198606272organo-palladiumcompoundsDie 2-′cyclopalladierten Iminkomplexe (I) reagieren mit CO in Methanol zu den 2′-substituierten Aryliminen (II).A.ALBINATIP.S.PREGOSINR.+RUEEDIWileyChemischer Informationsdienst
1 was refined to R = 0.028 based on 3398 obserbed reflections, and 2, 0.077 based on 1900 observeds.\nAnthonyDepartmentW.DepartmentColemanDepartmentHongmingDepartmentZhangDepartmentSimonDepartmentG.DepartmentBottDepartmentJerryDepartmentL.DepartmentInformaworldJournal of Coordination Chemistry...