乙酸丁酯是重要的化工原料,具有水果香味.实验室制备乙酸丁酯的反应、装置示意图和有关信息如下:CH3COOH+CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 浓H2SO4 △ CH3COOCH2CH2CH
(2)乙醇与浓H2SO4加热至170℃制取乙烯:CH3CH2OH→浓硫酸170℃→170℃浓硫酸CH2=CH2↑+H2O (3)乙醇与O2、Cu共热:2CH3CH2OH+O2→铜△→△铜2CH3CHO+2H2O (4)丙醛与银氨溶液水浴加热:CH3CH2CHO+2Ag(NH3)2OH水浴→→水浴CH3CH2COONH4+2Ag↓+3NH3+H2O ...
Electronic structure and the vibrational frequencies of CH3(OCH2CH2)nOCH3−M−CF3SO3-(n 2−4, M Li, Na, and K) complexes have been derived from ab initio Hartree−Fock calculations. The metal ion shows varying coordination from 5 to 7 in these complexes. In tetraglyme−lithium ...
Provied information about [(CH2CHCH3(OCH3))Pt(PPh3)2][CF3SO3](Molecular Formula: C42H39F3O4P2PtS, CAS Registry Number:646068-44-2 ) ,Boiling Point,Melting Point,Flash Point,Density, Molecular Structure,Risk Codes,Synthesis Route at guidechem
下列不属于消去反应的有机反应是 ( )A.CH3CH2OH浓H2SO4170 ℃CH2=CH2↑+H2OB.CH3CHBrCH3+NaOH乙醇△CH3CH=CH2↑+NaBr+H2OC.D.2CH3OH浓H2SO4△CH3OCH3+H2O
a) HOCH2CH2OH b) CH3CH2OH c) CH3NH2 d) (CH3)3N What intermolecular forces are present in C6H14? Which of the following molecules are polar and which are nonpolar? (a) PCl_3 (b) CS_2 (c) CH_2Cl_2 (d) BI_3 (e) SF_2. Explain why CH_3Cl is more solub...
Elastic and thermoelastic properties of twelve adducts of betaine, (CH3)3NCH2COO, with H2O, HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, H3PO3, H3PO4, 1,4-toluene sulfonic acid, MnCl2 and KBr S. Haussühl.Elastic and thermoelastic properties of twelve adducts of betaine, (CH3)3NCH2COO, with H2O, ...