感谢军哥出手相助,问题已经解决。十分感谢您 2022-02-11 10:07
In fact the ch341 serial driver has been built-in since the Linux mainline kernel version 2.6.24. The location is: drivers/usb/serial/ch341.c, it's a pity that the built-in driver cannot be kept up to date and cannot support all features of the chip. We suggest our customers to use...
CH341SER_LINUX.ZIP The scope of applicationversionupload timesize CH340G,CH340T,CH340C,CH340N,CH340K,CH340E,CH340X,CH340B,CH341A,CH341F,CH341T,CH341B,CH341C1.72023-10-1212.4KB Linux driver for USB to serial port, supports CH340 and CH341, supports 32/64-bit operating systems....
Linux, macOS, Windows, ARM, and containers Hosted runners for every major OS make it easy to build and test all your projects. Run directly on a VM or inside a container. Use your own VMs, in the cloud or on-prem, with self-hosted runners. Matrix builds Save time with matrix workflow...
USB serial driver for USB to UART chip ch340, ch341, etc. ch341 supports multiple working modes, this driver only supports its serial port mode. In fact the ch341 serial driver has been built-in since the Linux mainline kernel version 2.6.24. The location is: drivers/usb/serial/ch341.c,...
http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_LINUX_ZIP.html Tutorial on Arch Linux Tested for Arduino UNO R3 Clone install required packages: sudo pacman -S arduino arduino-docs avr-binutils avr-gcc avr-libc avrdude if your system detects the package below: ...
CH341SER_LINUX评分: CH341SER_LINUX,文件中包含了相关的程序和说明文件,可以用来开发ROS机器人 CH341SER2018-06-27 上传大小:8KB 所需:50积分/C币 1567386710822975.zip 从http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_LINUX_ZIP.html下载的Linux_USB2I2C驱动 CH341PAR_LINUX.ZIP, 在ubuntu 18.04 无法 make 成功,尝试...
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CH341SER_LINUX 开发技术 - C++旧事**ce 上传8.34 KB 文件格式 zip CH341SER CH341SER_LINUX,文件中包含了相关的程序和说明文件,可以用来开发ROS机器人点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:5 积分 电信网络下载 单相BOOST-PFC仿真文件,PI+R控制,SOGI,PLECS仿真 2025-02-25 06:39:16 积分:1 ...
WCHSoftGroup / ch341ser_linux Public Notifications Fork 20 Star 53 Code Issues 6 Pull requests 2 Actions Projects Security Insights CommitsBranch selector main User selector All users DatepickerAll time Commit History Commits on Feb 20, 2024 Merge pull request #15 from SoldierJazz/main...