在supports.c中包含该头文件 2.2 编写中断服务函数与系统时钟配置函数 在supports.c中加入如下代码 uint32_t SystemCoreClock=48000000;/*** 系统中断 ***/__attribute__((interrupt("WCH-Interrupt-fast")))voidNMI_Handler(void){}__attribute__((interrupt("WCH-Interrupt-fast")))voidHardFault_Handler(void...
CH32V003开发板小系统板核心板RISC-V开源TYPE-C:USB接口WCH nanoCH32V003开发板 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 品牌名称:TLXT 商品型号:- 订货编码:10103256786317 包装规格:- 选择控制回路数 nanoCH32V003开发板 ...
商品名称:CH32V003开发板SuperMini核心板RISC-V开源TYPE-C USB接口WCH 有数据线(只能供电) 有下载器不焊接排针 商品编号:10099848404685 店铺:京鹏炽清洁用品专营店 货号:100720762418629 货期:0.5W 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 ...
商品名称:CH32V003开发板SuperMini核心板RISC-V开源TYPE-C USB接口WCH 有数据线(只能供电) 无下载器不焊接排针 商品编号:10099848404683 店铺:京鹏炽清洁用品专营店 货号:100720762418629 货期:0.5W 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 ...
Firmware for CH32V003 that's compilable with standard, open-source RISC-V GCC. - ch32v003-vanilla-gcc/ch32v00x_spi.c at main · maxgerhardt/ch32v003-vanilla-gcc
Peripheral functions: 1 * Type-c interface, 1 * power switch, 1 * reset button, 2 * function switch, 1 * power indicator, 2 * experimental LED light, 1 * download connection, 1 serial port chip, IO full output Rich routines 1. Basic Routine - ADC Operation ...
MounRiver Studio是一款基于Eclipse GNU版本的集成开发环境,专为嵌入式C /C++开发优化,保留了原平台的强大代码编辑功能、便捷组件框架,并进行了界面、功能、操作方面的修改与优化,以及工具链指令的增加与定制,致力于打造一款以RISC-V内核为主的硬件工程师喜爱的嵌入式集成开发环境。该开发环境的Logo设计...
Peripheral functions: 1 * Type-c interface, 1 * power switch, 1 * reset button, 2 * function switch, 1 * power indicator, 2 * experimental LED light, 1 * download connection, 1 serial port chip, IO full output Rich routines 1. Basic Routine - ADC Operation ...
Development Board is a versatile and robust solution for embedded system development. Designed with an industrial-grade RISC-V2A core, this board supports a 48MHz system main frequency, ensuring efficient and reliable performance. It is equipped with a Type-C USB interface, providing a convenient ...
CH32V003J4M6 电子元器件 WCH/沁恒 封装SOP8 批次24+ CH32V003J4M6 8888 WCH/沁恒 SOP8 24+ ¥0.5500元1~99 个 ¥0.4000元100~499 个 ¥0.3800元>=500 个 深圳市佳信达通科技有限公司 4年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 CH32V003J4M6 电子元器件 WCH/沁恒 PDF 资料 规格书 CH32V003J4...