4-hydroxypentanoic acidIUPAC name of CH3 CH(OH)CH2 CH2 COOH is
Write the IUPAC name of: CH_3-CH_2-CH_2-CH_2-COOH View Solution Write down the IUPAC names of the given compounds.CH3−CH2−CH2−COOH View Solution Write down the IUPAC names of the com-pounds given below. CH_3-CH_2-CH_2-CH_2-CH_2-COOH ...
Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds CH_3 -CH =CH- CH_2 -CH=CH-CH2- CH_2 -CH = CH_2 View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE...
IUPAC name of the following is O=CHCH2CH2CH2CH2COOH 01:53 Vinegar contains 03:15 When acetyl chloride reacts with any amine, the reaction is known as: 03:33 The reverse of esterification is known as: 07:57 The compound which on reduction with LiAlH4 gives two alcohols: 03:24 The conv...
निम्नलिखित यौगिक IUPAC का नाम है CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2COOH View Solution CH_3CH = CHCH_2underset(NH_2)underset(|)(C )HCH_2(COOH) का IUPAC नाम है- View Solution IUPAC name of, CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2COOH is: Vi...
IUPAC name of CH_3 CH(OH)CH_2 CH_2 COOH is Write the IUPAC name of: CH_3-CH_2-CH_2-CH_2-COOH The product obtained in a oxymercuration (HgSO4+H2SO4)of 1 -butyne would be :CH3CH2COCH3,CH3CH2CH2CHO,CH3CH2CHO+HCHO,CH3CH2COOH+HCOOH ...
The IUPAC name of CH2=CH−CH−CH2−CH3∣CH2−CH2−CH3 निम्न का IUPAC नाम है CH3−C−CH2−CH(OH)−CH3∣CH2∣CH3 CH_(3)CH = CHCHO is oxidised CH_(3)CH =CHCOOH using Correct IUPAC name of {:(" "CH_3),(" "|),(CH_3-CH_2-C...
Name the following compounds accoring to IUPAC system : (i) CH3−CH2−CH∣CH2Cl−CH2OH∣CH−CH∣CH3−CH3(ii)CH3−CH∣CH3−CH2−CH∣OH−CH2OH∣CH−CH3 (iii) (iv) H2C=CH−CH∣OH−CH2−CH2−CH3 (v) CH3−C∣CH3=C∣Br−CH2OH View Solution H3C−CH3∣...
H_3C-overset(CH_3)overset(|)underset(CH_3)underset(|)C-CH=CH_2 सूत्र वाले यौगिक का IUPAC नाम है View Solution निम्नलिखित यौगिकों का IUPAC नाम क्या है...