3D Model Please refer to the latest revision of the manufacturer's datasheet to confirm product specifications (Symbol, Footprint, and 3D Model). Note that it is the user's responsibility to verify all specifications before using the provided content. ...
Built by Ultra Librarian Symbol Footprint 3D Model Please refer to the latest revision of the manufacturer's datasheet to confirm product specifications (Symbol, Footprint, and 3D Model). Note that it is the user's responsibility to verify all specifications before using the...
首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 续费VIP 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 SN9C5262datasheetv1.10_CHsn9c5262 datasheet v1.10_ch SN9C5262datasheetv1.10_CH©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销
Datasheet Identification Product Status Definition Advance Information Formative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Preliminary First Production This datasheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary...
在DC-DC转换器的SPEC或datasheet中都推荐了不同电感值作为参考值。因此,即使不进行上述算式之类的计算,也能按照制造商的参考值选定,如果想更换新的电感型号,其参数也不应该与供应商推荐的参考值相差太远。 2 饱和电流Isat 饱和电流特性也叫做直流叠加特性,其影响了电感工作...
max5477是数字电位器,10K的,接口是IIC接口。其他的不多说了自己看datasheet。 严格按照说明书的时序要求,先是IIC启动,然后发送器件地址字节,接下来接收应答位, 然后再发送控制字节,然后再接收应答位,然后发送数据字节,接收应答位,然后IIC停止。按照这个时序,芯片就可以...
Symbol Footprint 3D Model Please refer to the latest revision of the manufacturer's datasheet to confirm product specifications (Symbol, Footprint, and 3D Model). Note that it is the user's responsibility to verify all specifications before using the provided content. ...
Microchip DSPIC33CH256MP505-E/PT Built by Ultra Librarian Symbol Footprint3D Model Please refer to the latest revision of the manufacturer's datasheet to confirm product specifications (Symbol, Footprint, and 3D Model). Note that it is the user's responsibility to verify ...
怦然芯动 无限可能芯动科技是中国一站式高端IP和GPU领导者,16年来我们重兵投入全球先进工艺,持续引领,持续盈利,厚积薄发,多项前沿技术如高性能图形GPU、HBM3、GDDR6X和Chiplet等填补国内空白,在计算、存储、连接三大千亿级硬科技领域,具备核心竞争优势,是中国唯一获得全...
花友@月影婆娑 老母亲我之前是电子设计工程师出身,每天扎在一堆电子元器件的datasheet里面,尤其是芯片的datasheet,想当年基本上不是英文的,就是日语的,所以参加工作的初期,那叫一个痛苦啊,大学那会儿学的专业英语感觉根本不够用的,所以不得不下...