avanciert Psycho durch die Fortsetzungen zu einer diskursiven Größe, von der Anthony Perkins häufig als „Psycho One“ in Interviews spricht, und zu einem genre-ikonischen ‚Original‘, das im Horrordiskurs als „ancestor of the slasher film“ (Clover, „Men, Women“ 23) ge...
A lunch like this can come together real quick, can be prepared in advance, is totally portable and can be served hot or cold with no mess. Am I the only one who has a stomach that can’t lose track of time? I don’t even need a clock. We can figure out what time it is just...
Land of Haze - The good Men (B-Seite von Give it up)Everyboby's Free - RozallaSalva Mea - FaithlessSonic Empire - Members of MaydayFreed from Desire - GalaUnited - Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Marksollte mal reichen für den anfangPS:The First, The Last, Eternity - SNAPAn Angel - ...
Born June 12, 1914 — William Lundigan. Col. Edward McCauley in the Fifties serialMen into Spacewhich lasted for thirty-eight episodes. He also appeared on the earlierScience Fiction Theatreas Maj. Fred Gunderman in the “Beyond“ episode, Dr. Richard Staton inRiders to the Stars, and Bob ...
r7rrvSct8MPBCPq+UghE48jy6vSm/9EBHCxS6b qRzBgW+cB1ta4fOZUuH9aWXoTc08JDbD/STnuBXmaZv6uVNuU+rUeYg4bZKQZYLpBQe7IU4/rcXF NZekto+TNuJUrSgNs1UK74W06AiF8ur62Fz3EOsjawwegd0y/UvPkAce8YqYBOcYctYTwstyf+C2 bmENIPR1kt6UmGbLh6jisJ5zNtcBBpc2MfnRWV55HqLAox8LdHjnnXgUP1JXoqHZTHI4jfi4RbaP ...
XjHkkqszyzfT5SbP+2f2YuUzRfTzRZ94l+ktuXVSxYKx402J8m8RnXofqtdNbUkR67DrvTV5+b9i wSizN4RRNmPiG7q9ZP3Iuhclk8/4nHo/V90y/af9RosrAtQ1eNSPkKJExHqWFBMv2ZUyqtRNjIi+ Fjdvk5daHetV3mEnqzYr0tTHafyaui6P0/Vd/3b69U5daJ/U+RNqukrcY2AyVJjIfEmx+lAiFp9h p0eo8rI7P/fS9hFp6j2EiZeTcaY8dA/K54...
I have some stuff to announce but I will save that for the next post… Instead I’m going to use this space to give heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated over the break. Without you, the site optimization and new features would not have been possible. Thank you all so very, very ...
I actually just saw on the news that there are two men currently making headlines for eating at Chipotle every day for 100 days. I am a creature of habit like that, I respect it. Dessert: I have a fruit addiction lately which isn’t a bad thing, just sometimes an expensive thing if...
MEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO USE COMPASS DIRECTION,women use more land marks in their direction. When you give women directions you need to use LANDMARKS. Middle ChildhoodChapters 9 & 103. After viewing a slide show on endangered species, second and fifth graders were asked to remember as many ...