Franz Oppenheimer’s “The State” is a significant work in political sociology, but its soundness has been debated since its publication in 1908. Here’s an evaluation: Oppenheimer’s Main Argument: The state originates from conquest and domination. He argues that the state is not a natural...
There were two lines of development for both sociology and linguistics, characterized respectively as one that theoretically severs society from its individuals with an overwhelming emphasis on the former and its norms or rules, and as another that insist...
Miller,Professor of Sociology at Washington University, has written numerous articles and books on the issues facing older Americans in our graying society for the past 15 years.Dr. Miller: Dr. Miller: Thank you for that introduction. Today,I'd like to preface my r...
studying the poem "Prospice" In the cafeteria with friends; looking at girls with blond hair In Sociology, daydreaming and wondering "Should I call my girlfriend tonight?" Eating dinner and talking with brother; watching TV In night school English class; "Pondering if I would like to be an...
3. 模糊的数据质量 当考虑网络数据时,测量的不确定性几乎被普遍忽视,实证研究经常是假设真实系统的网络表示是完全准确的情况下进行的,这种做法在既定的实证领域早已被抛弃,是站不住脚的。由于实际原因,观测数据通常是不完整的,研究人员会面临数据...
it's a snapshot of the worst families entirely shorn of any of the systems that are undoubtedly trying to handle them, part of my beef about the prurient selectiveness of the series - showing the pathology, not the sociology. Something less pornographic (yes, still using the term) and fet...
On our proposed journey, the biology majors will collect zoological and botanical specimens, the literature and sociology majors will record social conditions, and the painting and photography majors should take pictures of the beautiful scenery along the way. Wit...