The article provides information on how to minimize tax liabilities when selling a business or an asset used in the business through capital gains tax concessions (CGT) introduced by the Australian government. The four main small business concessions include: 15-year exemption; 50 percent active ...
The global body for professional accountants About us Search jobs Find an accountant Technical activities Help & support Global Can't find your location/region listed?Please visit ourglobal websiteinstead Americas Europe Middle East Africa Asia ...
Under Park's leadership, GC Cell has also been revamping its traditional bio services business, running successfully for over 40 years. Park highlighted the Immuncell-LC program, a unique adjuvant therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), as a "hidden gem" of the company. The Immuncell-LC T-...
1. Transfers between spouses/civil partner (A→B) A: less: cost deemed proceeds: less: rollover relief Gain taxed now(0) B: base cost=deemed proceeds-rollover relief 2. Partial disposal Proceeds A Less: selling costs (X) X Less: original cost* A /(A+B) (C) Chargable gain X A –...
AboughtahouseinApril1982for£29,000.Alivedinthehouseuntil1May2005whenheboughtanotherhousewhichbecamehisPPR.HesoldthehouseboughtinApril1982for£145,000inJanuary2012for£145,000Calculatethechargeablegain CGT-PPR Answer CGT–PPR •Businessuse–cannotberesidenceatsametime•PeriodlosesCGTexemption•Cannot...