service supplied by proprietor to its grocery shop called as a business section 2 17 g of CGST Act 2017 - GST CGST
Section 2(68) of the CGST Act, 2017 defines job work to mean as 'any treatment or process undertaken by a person on goods belonging to another registered person'. Thus, the job worker is expected to work on the goods sent by the principal and whether the activity is covered within the...
Any registered person who issues a credit note in relation to a supply of goods or services or both shall declare the details of such credit note in the return for the month during which such credit note has been issued
Introduction Subject matter of this write up is Section 136 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act 2017 Act This Section pertains to the relevancy and admiss
G.S.R 611(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, namely:- 1. (1...