The measured and indicated uranium resources and uranium production in China are far from meeting the needs of nuclear power development, so more and more uranium resources are dependent on foreign countries these years. In view of the imbalance between supply and demand of uranium resources in ...
the shipment volume of voice interaction systems reached 7.706 million sets, corresponding to a market share of 46.4%. Subsequently, Sailun Si and Volkswagen were asked. The installed capacity in 2023 was 2.861 million units and 1.803 million units, respectively, with corresponding...
LiuJJ,ZhuLM,WangJP,etal.EvolutionoftheWestQinling orogenicbeltandsuperpositionmetallogenesisoftheKarin-Ka rin-likegolddeposits[C]//AnnualMeetingoftheGeological SocietyofChina.2011. [9] 王瑞廷,张革利,李青锋,等.秦岭凤太铅锌 -金矿集区成矿 规律与找 矿预测 [J].地球科学与环境学报,2021,43(3): 528-...
数据来源及说明:(1)Glencore Annual Report 2018;Glencore Investor Update,3 December 2018[R]。(2)洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司2018年年度报告[R]。(3)Meeting demand for today and tomorrow,Chemaf corporate brochure 2018, 07.
2023. Mineral Resource Assessment Methods Comparison and Its Development Trend Discussion. Northwestern Geology, 56(2): 292-305. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2022018 Citation: ZHANG Jinrui, CHEN Hua, REN Junping, WEI Zhenhuan, SUN Kai, HU Peng, WU Datian, GU Alei, SUN Hongwei, ZUO Libo, DONG ...
Azom P N, Javadpour F. 2012. Dual-continuum modelling of shale and tight gas reservoir[C]//Proceedings-SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. 4.10.2118/159584-MS. Google Scholar Barenblatt G I, Zheltov I P, Kochina I N. 1960. Basic concept in the theory of homogeneous liquids ...
盖层封盖强度与圈闭闭合高度耦合关系能够反映油气保存条件及油气充注程度,并具体控制了规模性油气田的分布。这种耦合关系近年来已为部分学者所关注[29,63],其认识主要为以下3个方面: (1) 封盖强度小于圈闭闭合高度 以威远构造为例,印支期以来(特别是100 Ma以来),四川叠合盆地持续抬升剥蚀,致使中、下三叠统膏盐岩区...
板块构造成矿理论将其划归为离散构造背景的大陆裂谷环境形成的矿床(Mitchell and Garson,1981;Robb,2005;Frish et al.,2011),进而认为其与发源于核幔边界的地幔柱有关(Lightfoot et al.,1993,1997;Keays,1995,1997;Vogel and Keays,1997),并认为大多数地质历史早期形成的岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床或古老的层状杂岩中...
南海现代岛礁研究也是当前国家战略需求。岛礁开发利用是国家南海战略的重中之重,为此成立了三沙市政府,负责管理南海岛礁及其海域利用和环境保护。然而,由于海洋条件和地质灾害影响,岛礁生态环境十分脆弱,岛礁斜坡陡峻等因素导致岛礁海底具有不稳定性。 碳酸盐台地研究的重要驱动力是石油工业的需要[13-15]。生物礁油气藏因...