DWORD dwMergeCellCount =vMergeCells.size();for(inti =0; i < dwMergeCellCount; i++){ m_HFlexGrid.SplitCells(vMergeCells.at(0));//为什么是0呢?假使两个元素,Remove第一个位置的元素后,CArray(CGridCtrl源码中使用的数组)只剩下一个,如果使用i(i等于1),则报错了,因为CArray目前只有一个元素。...
解决CGrIdCtrl合并单元格后继续拆分后的问题 DWORD dwMergeCellCount = vMergeCells.size();for (int i = 0; i < dwMergeCellCount; i++){ m_HFlexGrid.SplitCells(vMergeCells.at(0));//为什么是0呢?假使两个元素,Remove第⼀个位置的元素后,CArray(CGridCtrl源码中使⽤的数组)只剩下⼀个,...
the code change is minimal because of the excellent organization and design of the code in this method. What you may consider a major addition here is the code related to merge cells.
This example demonstrates how to add "merge cells" ability to Chris Maunder's MFC Grid control (derived from CWnd). 上传者:gc_lrg时间:2010-03-21 CGridCtrl列表控件使用)BillsManager CGridCtrl列表控件使用)BillsManager, 非常漂亮的列表控件使用,涵盖所有源代码 ...
CGridCtrl添加右键菜单 头文件下添加: afx_msgvoidOnMergeCell(); afx_msgvoidOnContextMenu(CWnd*/*pWnd*/, CPoint/*point*/); 添加映射: ON_COMMAND(IDM_MergeCell, OnMergeCell)//IDM_MergeCell在resource.h添加一下就可以了ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU()...
CGridCtrl 2015-10-23 16:42 −... JUDE008 0 95 CGridCtrl添加右键菜单 2015-11-02 11:12 −头文件下添加: afx_msg void OnMergeCell(); afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint /*point*/); 添加映射: ON_COMMAND(IDM_MergeCell, OnMergeCell)//I... ...
{// Note - all through this function we totally brutalise 'rect'. Do not// depend on it's value being that which was passed in.//Used for merge cells//by Huang Weiif( m_Hide && !IsMerged()) {returnTRUE; }CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid(); ...
{// Note - all through this function we totally brutalise 'rect'. Do not// depend on it's value being that which was passed in.//Used for merge cells//by Huang Weiif( m_Hide && !IsMerged()) {returnTRUE; } CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid(); ...
CGridCtrl添加右键菜单 摘要:头文件下添加:afx_msg void OnMergeCell(); afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint /*point*/);添加映射:ON_COMMAND(IDM_MergeCell, OnMergeCell)//IDM_Me...阅读全文 posted @2015-11-02 11:12QQ76211822阅读(880)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 ...
{// Note - all through this function we totally brutalise 'rect'. Do not// depend on it's value being that which was passed in.//Used for merge cells//by Huang Weiif( m_Hide && !IsMerged()) {returnTRUE; } CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid(); ...