CGPA Calculator孟加拉国入门 一个开源工具,用于计算和评估您的学期成绩和累积平均成绩(CGPA)。 [目录]链接: 屏幕截图 主页 CGPA计算器 绩效统计 显示您在本学期可获得的最高CGPA 比较CGPA和其他大学 操作说明 计算当前学期的GPA 不要在“完成学期”下输入CGPA /“完成学分” 输入课程名称(可选),课程学分,您...
is used in colleges and schools to measure the overall academic performance of a student. In CGPA grades are allotted to the students instead of marks or percentages. Grades like A, B, C, D, or F are allocated based on their performance. It is calculated with an average of all grade po...