解析URL:Perl提供了两个函数用于解析URL,self_url子过程返回文档当前的URL,url子过程则提供若干个选项来解析URL,参数皆为破折号打头,1或0为值,参数如下: absolute提供的是绝对路径,/path/script.cgi relative提供的是文件名,script.cgi full提供完整的URL,http://host:port/path/script.cgi query_string提供查询字...
Since the server starts up a process each time the CGI script or program runs, this is an expensive method of programming the server. For security, CGI scripts depend on the server’s security configuration. For more information, see “Security for SHTML and CGI” and the Sun ONE ...
*/ cgiHeaderCookieSet(cname, cvalue, 86400, cgiScriptName, cgiServerName, cgiCookieHttpOnly | cgiCookieSameSiteStrict); } } Since this is a test program, the cgiFormString function is used to fetch the name and value from the form previously filled in by the user. Normally, cookie ...
Your knowledge, to be exact.Send usyour CGI scripts and news and we will share them with everyone else.Joining the CGI Dir teamis fast, easy, and full of phat Karma. Tutorials Advanced Beginner Server Side Includes Latest Tutorials
Any programs that you invoke in your CGI program (like 'sendmail', for example) will need to be specified by a full path, so that the shell can find them when it attempts to execute your CGI program.A common manifestation of this is the path to the script interpreter (often perl) ...
<H1>Testing a Form</H1> <HR> <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/greeting.pl" METHOD="POST"> Enter your full name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="user" SIZE=60><BR> <P> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit the form"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear all fields"> </FORM> <HR> </BODY> <...
AppleScript also has the power to interface with other Macintosh applications through AppleEvents. For example, a Mac CGI programmer can write a program that presents a form to the user, decode the contents of the form, and query and search a Microsoft FoxPro database directly through Apple...
Beware that in Caddy v2 it is (currently) not possible to separate the path left of the matcher from the full URL. Therefore if you require your CGI program to know the SCRIPT_NAME, make sure to pass that explicitly: cgi /script.cgi* /path/to/my/script someargument { script_name /sc...
因此“mod_staticfile”在“mod_cgi”有机会处理请求之前处理请求。参见lighttpdserver.modules文档 ...