ROE (TTM)- Revenue (TTM)- Gross Margin (TTM)- Net Margin (TTM)- Debt To Equity (MRQ)- EVENTS Earnings Date05/30/2025 Ex Div Date- Div Amount- Split Date- Split Factor- Latest On Canopy Growth Corp ALL CNBCINVESTING CLUBPRO
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The Dividend History page provides a single page to review all of the aggregated Dividend payment information.Historical information is not adjusted for stock splits.Visit ourDividend Calendar: Please note that the dividend history for Nasdaq stocks may also be combined the regular with the special ...
News of Linton’s departure had an immediate impact on CGC stock. That’s only natural when the co-CEO, founder, and public face of the largest company in the high profile cannabis industry steps down. Then Linton poured fuel on the fire. In aCNBCinterview, Linton claimed that despite the...
CGC Stock and U.S. Election Results Simply put, the Nov. 3 results fell short of Wall Street expectations. Granted, election results overall weren’t bad for marijuana legalization. Recreational pot scored somemajor wins on the state levelon Nov. 3. The winds of change remain in favor of ...
Canopy Growth CorpCGC:NASDAQ RT Quote|Last NASDAQ LS, VOL From CTA|USD After Hours:Last |5:17 PM EDT 1.12+0.03(+1.82%) Volume 34,740 Close 1.10-0.06(-5.98%) Volume 6,144,073 52 week range 1.08-14.92 KEY STATS Open1.15 Day High1.16 ...
Canopy Growth CorpCGC:NASDAQ RT Quote|Last NYSE Arca, VOL From CTA|USD After Hours:Last |7:52 PM EDT 1.13+0.01(+0.90%) Volume 101,377 Close 1.12+0.03(+1.82%) Volume 4,975,760 52 week range 1.07-14.92 SummaryNewsProfileEarningsPeersFinancialsOptionsOwnership ...
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