find_package(CGAL COMPONENTS Qt5)if(CGAL_Qt5_FOUND) add_definitions(-DCGAL_USE_BASIC_VIEWER -DQT_NO_KEYWORDS) endif()if( NOT CGAL_FOUND ) message(STATUS"This project requires the CGAL library, and will not be compiled.")return() endif() # Boost and its components find_package( Boost ...
我已经在我的Ubuntu18.04.3框(到我的主目录)上安装了CGAL5.0,并尝试构建一些可视化演示--没有成功。COMPONENTSQt5) if (CGAL_FOUND ANDCGAL_Qt5"**<CGAL/Qt/*.h>**目录存在并包含大量的标头,因此无法配置消息<my 浏览13提问于2020-01-05得票数1 ...
1. cmake下载,这个网上很多就不说了 2. cmake构建 源文件选择安装的目录,创建一个构建目录(存放构建的解决方案),然后点击configure 选择对应的环境,点击finish,进行config configure后出现的红色选项,如果有出现NOT-FOUND的要找到对应位置添加,比如我需要添加boost和qt5的路径(Qt5_DIR要选到lib里面Qt5) 记得勾选g...
cpp") if(CGAL_Qt5_FOUND) #link it with the required CGAL libraries target_link_libraries(triangulation PUBLIC CGAL::CGAL_Basic_viewer) endif() CMake构建及运行: cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake cmake --build build --config Debug ....
( STATUS "CGAL_Qt5_FOUND = ${CGAL_Qt5_FOUND}" ) if(CGAL_Qt5_FOUND) #link it with the required CGAL libraries target_link_libraries(draw_surface_mesh PUBLIC CGAL::CGAL_Basic_viewer) target_link_libraries(sm_draw_small_faces PUBLIC CGAL::CGAL_Basic_viewer) endif() list ( APPEND PRJ_...
安装:$ brew install mysql 开启mysql:mysql.server start 使用mysql的配置脚本:/usr/local/opt/mysql...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.1)project(test_cgal)#CGAL_Qt5 is needed for the drawing and CGAL_Core is needed for this special Kernel.find_package(CGAL REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qt5 Core)if(CGAL_FOUNDANDCGAL_Qt5_FOUND)#required to use basic_vieweradd_definitions(-DCGAL_USE_BASIC_VIEWER -DQT_NO...
Testsuite remove occurrences of Qt5 Sep 14, 2023 Tetrahedral_remeshing Merge pull request CGAL#7797 from janetournois/Tet_remeshing-c3t3_ini… Nov 15, 2023 Three Q_DECL_OVERRIDE -> override Nov 22, 2023 Triangulation issue CGAL#7774 Link to support funding of GUDHI project not found Oct ...
1、安装CGAL需要boost,qt的库,我是在win7下装的 1)、首先下载CGAL(3.5)的安装程序,从在页面的最下面) 2)、获得最新版本的CMake(目前是2.8),从
The nucleotide sequence of DcUCGalT1 gene was found using CarrotDB: a genomic and transcriptomic database for carrot built by our group ( The gene was cloned from ‘Deep purple’ carrots by PCR using a forward primer: 5′-ATGGGGAGTACAA...