Cisco Cellular Gateway 522-E Cisco IOS XE 및 Cisco IOS CG 사용되는 구성 요소 이 문서의 정보는 다음 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어 버전을 기반으로 합니다. Cisco Cellular Gateway 522-E with Cisco IOS 이 ...
使用show cellular 1 hardware命令将显示当前固件版本: CellularGateway#show cellular 1 hardware Modem Firmware Version = SWIX55C_01.07.08.00000000 jenkins * * 设备的特定固件 在某些情况下,服务提供商要求在CG522-E中安装特定固件(如果适用): 使用命令show cellular 1 hardware确定设备型号ID: CellularGa...
For a CG5222-E, with the commandshow cellular 1 profilethe configured APNs can be seen. A profile must be in Active state, which means it is attached: CellularGateway#show cellular 1 profile PROFILE ID APN PDP TYPE STATE AUTHENTICATION USERNAME PASSWORD --- 1 IMS IP...
Cisco IOS搭載Cisco Cellular Gateway 522-E このドキュメントの情報は、特定のラボ環境にあるデバイスに基づいて作成されました。このドキュメントで使用するすべてのデバイスは、クリアな(デフォルト)設定で作業を開始しています。本稼働中のネットワークでは、...
CellularGateway#show cellular 1 simCellular Dual SIM details:SIM O = PresentSIM 1 = Not PresentActive SIM = O ---> Slot 0 is Active ルータに接続されたP-5GS6-GLモジュールの場合: isr#show controller cellular 0/X/0 detailInterface Cellular0/2/0 * *Cel...
CellularGateway#show cellular 1 hardware Modem Firmware Version = SWIX55C_01.07.08.00000000 jenkins * * 裝置的特定韌體 在某些特定情況下,服務提供商要求在CG522-E中安裝特定的韌體(如果適用): 使用命令show cellular 1 hardware辨識裝置型號ID: CellularGateway#show cellular 1 hardware ...
Cisco Cellular Gateway 522-E with Cisco IOS The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you unde...