PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('IBM IDz EE') ID(5755-A05) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(*) STATE(ENABLED) • Si vous avez acquis z/OS Debugger dans le cadre de IBM Debug for z/OS (code produit 5755-A06), spécifiez la définition suivante dans IFAPRDxx. L'...
PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('IBM Wazi Code') ID(5900-A8N) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(*) STATE(ENABLED) 附註: • 這些範例定義會啟用所選產品的所有特性. 若要個別登錄每一個特性,請為每一個特性建立 PRODUCT 區塊,並指定 FEATURENAME('IDz-DEBUGGER') 以登錄 z/OS Debugger...
the first of three human trials began, creating a 2 1/2-year crisis communications challenge. Global media interest in the “Penn State Heart” operations required 24-hr. media relations duty. Each implantation received worldwide coverage, including...