CFX-TASCflow是全世界第一套使用全隱式多網格耦合求解技術的商業化軟 體,隨後幾乎所有的商業化CFD軟體開始發展這種新一代求解技術。該技術以 數十倍的量級提高計算速度和穩定性,達到幾乎線形的CPU時間-網格數量性 能,並以並行處理的模式進行運算,極大提高了CFD求解效率。
Re: CFX / TASCFLOW Validation Hi Veebs and Bart, I also have done the same validation analysis. i.e. Onera wing. My results are also not matching with the data given on the website. I did analysis in TASCflow and studied the transonic flow over wing. The code is not able to captu...
Dear CFX users; What is the difference between "ANSYS CFX" and "CFX TascFlow"? Thanks. ROOZBEH November 7, 2005, 21:17 Re: "ANSYS CFX" and "CFX TascFlow" #2 dr. mishal al-saffar Guest Posts: n/a dear ROOZBEH; please, can you download me the full code "CFX TascFlow"? i...
3_first_ses_cfxtascflow AFIRSTSESSIONINCFX-TASCflow AFirstCFX-TASCflowSession SolvetheflowinaductbendPurpose:-tointroducetheCFX-TASCflowGUI-toworkthroughthecompleteCFDsolution processasahands-onexercise Instructionsforthehands-onexerciseareprovided SolutionOutline Meshgenerationisskipped,i.e.thisexercisestarts...