Mass And Momentum 区域选择【No Slip Wall 】, 并在【Wall Velocity】前面打勾,选择【Rotating Wall】在角速度Angular Velocity 输入数值【0 rev min^-1】;旋转轴选为【Global X 】,与叶轮旋转坐标一致,壁面的表面粗糙度Wall Roughness 区域选择光滑壁面【Smooth Wall】,单击【OK 】按钮,完成旋转域的壁面条件...
在第一个标签【Basic Settings】中,Boundary Type区域选择【Wall】,并在 框中选择【INLET_WALL】,如图5.3-17所示。 图5.3-17 在第二个标签【Boundary Details】中,Mass And Momentum区域选择【No Slip Wall】,壁面的表面粗糙度Wall Roughness区域选择光滑壁面【Smooth Wall】,单击【OK】按钮,完成进口水段计算域...
在第一个标签【Basic Settings】中,Boundary Type区域选择【Wall】,并在 框中选择【INLET_WALL】,如图5.3-17所示。 图5.3-17 在第二个标签【Boundary Details】中,Mass And Momentum区域选择【No Slip Wall】,壁面的表面粗糙度Wall Roughness区域选择光滑壁面【Smooth Wall】,单击【OK】按钮,完成进口水段计算域...
BOUNDARY: CONVERGENT Default Boundary Type = WALL Location = F1935.1934 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: MASS AND MOMENTUM: Option = No Slip Wall END WALL ROUGHNESS: Option = Smooth Wall END END END BOUNDARY: Interface CONVERGENT VOLUTE Side 1 Boundary Type = INTERFACE Location = F1894.1934 BOUNDAR...
通常情况下需要使用Remeshing + Smooth更新网格,较少采用Layering。 6 需注意的问题 需要注意的问题包括: 不管是单向耦合还是双向耦合,尽量保持流固交界面上网格尺寸接近。(这点非常重要,网格尺寸差异较大的话,轻则影响精度,重则导致出错。) 双向耦合计算时,若出现收敛困难,尝试在SC中减小时间步长再重新计算 双向...
13、tisticsInsertRenderShowBoundaryp 3 SubdomainS Source PointOutlineBoundary: interfaceDetailsof interfaceinDefault DomaininFlow Analysis 1Basic Settings Boundary DetailsMass And MomentumOptionNo Slip WallWall Velocity RelativeToWall VelocityWallRoughness日OptionSmooth W allMesh MotionOptionReceive from 14、 AN...
Option = Smooth Wall END END END BOUNDARY: porous3 periodic Side 1 Boundary Type = INTERFACE Interface Boundary = On Location = PERIODIC4.1 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: HEAT TRANSFER: Option = Conservative Interface Flux END MASS AND MOMENTUM: Option = Conservative Interface Flux END TURBULENCE: Optio...
the tetrahedral element to be created it is the maximum length of the sides of the element Smooth mesh: activates a smoothing algorithm to improve mesh quality Coarsen mesh: elements are combined to form a larger element where possible Generally always have the smooth and coarsen options active....
Boundary Type = WALL Location = WALL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: HEAT TRANSFER: Option = Adiabatic END MASS AND MOMENTUM: Option = No Slip Wall END WALL ROUGHNESS: Option = Smooth Wall END END END DOMAIN MODELS: BUOYANCY MODEL: Option = Non Buoyant ...
by default -Walls can be smooth or rough -Wall can be defined as no-slip wall or a slip-wall - Moving wall?can be?defined by its velocity or rotational speed??? - Wall can be adiabatic or thermally active, defined by its temperature, heat flux or convection coefficient Here we have t...