兄弟这问题你解决了吗?我遇到这个报错了 发自小木虫IOS客户端
| code 255: . No results file has been created.这样的错误提示,然而如果采用Serial串行计算,就...
CFX常见错误笔记 code 0 一般是边界条件设置错误产生的问题,仔细检查边界条件,尤其是单位。 还有可能是前处理一些设置或者参数没调对。 code 1 根据个人经验,这种错误一般是电脑计算资源不足引起的,在网格比较大时,计算使用的内存不足可能会返回此类错误。一般需要调整核数,分配内存的系数等。 code 255 最头疼的报错...
06-08-2020 11:28 AM 3,255 Views FelipeGarcia NXP Employee Hello Chuck, I tried to load same example to see if it was a problem of our SDK example but I could program my board successfully. I would suggest that you try the following: Click on "Clean up debug" button ...
Actually, the problem is coming in CFX solver. After taking the mesh it directly through out with the error code 255. July 14, 2021 at 5:57 pm ssharma Subscriber Dear Amine I have tried to run the same definition file in another system and where it runs successfully and no error co...
language varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, city, language) VALUES ( 'John', 'Doe', 'john.doe@example.com', 'Paris', 'English' ), ( 'Valeriy', 'Appius', 'valeriy.appius@example.com', 'Moscow', '...
(max_length=255) + last_updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) + board = models.ForeignKey(Board, related_name='topics') + starter = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='topics') + +class Post(models.Model): + message = models.TextField(max_length=4000) + topic = models....
expr 可以为-128~255 的数值或字符串。内存分配的字节数由expr 个数决定。 伪指令应用举例如下 DISPTAB DCB 0x33,0x43,0x76,0x12 DCB -120,20,36,55 ERRSTR DCB “Send,data is error!”,0 DCD 和DCDU DCD 用于分配一段字内存单元,并用伪指令中的expr 初始化。DCD 伪指令分配的内存需要字对齐,一般...
while (os_wait(K_TMO, 255, 0) != RDY_EVENT); /*等待,直到该任务就绪*/ } } /* 释放信号量 */ #pragma disable char post_sem(uchar sem_id){ uchar i; uint temp = 1; if ((sem_tab[sem_id].count > 0) ||(sem_tab[sem_id].pending_tasks == 0)) { ...
Error code 255 in cfx ? #1 nitheshkumble New Member Join Date: Feb 2011 Posts: 13 Rep Power: 15 Dear all, I am using CFX for turbine simulation. After some iteration (parallel) simulation shows error 255 my questions are 1)what is meant by error code 255 in cfx 2)why this error...