Update your CFW, cheat codes, firmwares and more directly from your Nintendo Switch! - HamletDuFromage/aio-switch-updater
UpdatedMar 4, 2024 MerlinKodo/clash-rev Star1.9k Continuation of Clash core project vpnclashcfwclash-core UpdatedNov 30, 2023 Team-Neptune/DeepSea Star1.8k Code Issues Pull requests The new All-in-One CFW package for the Nintendo Switch. ...
Switch querying the status and enabling or disabling the IPS feature. Elastic IP Address This API is used to manage EIPs, including enabling, (EIP) disabling, and querying EIPs. Domain Name This API is used to manage domain names, including ...
Step 2 Switch to user root and enter the password when prompted: su Step 3 Run the following command to back up the database: Back up the cnfw-manager, cnfw-controller, and cnfw-report databases. /data/mysql/base/bin/mysqldump -u root -p -P 7306 --databases ...
修改反病毒开关请参见如何调用API。PUT /v1/{project_id}/anti-virus/switch状态码:200打开反病毒开关状态码:200更新反病毒开关返回值SDK代码示例如下。打开反病毒开关打开反病毒开关打开反病毒开关更多编程语言的SDK代码示例,请参见API Explorer的代码示例页签,可生成
分享3赞 switch交流吧 hubinjzy 串流软件Moonlight的最新消息搬运。上次随手发了一点,发现大家挺感兴趣,所以就继续跟进了。 现在的最新消息是,有两个ID说,他们编译了最新的arm版的moonlight,可以很好的工作在ns上面了,手柄问题已经解决了,ns先天的5g wifi不太好,所以延时稍微比ios版本的差一些,这只能期望于有人能...
cfw:blackWhiteList:update - DELETE /v1/{project_id}/address-items/{item_id} cfw:ipGroup:deleteIpGroupMember - GET /v1/{project_id}/ips/switch cfw:instance:getIpsStatus - PUT /v1/{project_id}/acl-rule/{acl_rule_id} cfw:acl:updateAclRule ...
Guide forUpdate Manually Resources Here you have some of the main resources: NameLink Main Wiki GuidesView Resources & BackupsView Support Chat ServerJoin Discord Homebrews and Ports The next list is the latest homebrews games and ports available(click the user name for more info). ...
Added an option to switch between mono and stereo sound. Default option (and recommended one) is Mono. Removed L/R menu hotkeys for most devices. Now only the power/suspend button calls the menu. Added new fceux nes emulator much better performance thanks to koroneo Added new game Midnight...