For n = 2 this is done by applying the operator x y to the three-point function φ(x) φ(y) φ2(z) and calculating it at leading order in two ways: first by using the SDE x φ(x) yφ(y) φ2(z) L=O (2n g2 − 1)!2 |x − C2frne−e 1,2n−1,2 y|4|x ...
Z. Tsuboi, Wronskian solutions of the T, Q and Y-systems related to infinite dimensional unitarizable modules of the general linear superalgebra gl(M|N), arXiv:1109.5524 [INSPIRE]. R. Benichou, Fusion of line operators in conformalσ-models on supergroups and the Hirota equation, JHEP 01...
Numerical extension of CFT amplitude universality to three-dimensional systems - Weigel, Janke - 2000 () Citation Context ... spherical model on the same lattice. (21,22) Note, however, that in general such equivalence does not extend to other quantities apart from thermodynamic potentials and ...
three timers/PWM, two SCI, SPI, I2C and two analog comparators. QE32 can operate at 1.8V voltage supply and run up to 50.33 MHz core frequency. On-Chip Memory •ꢀ Upꢀtoꢀ32ꢀKBꢀflashꢀread/program/eraseꢀoverꢀfullꢀ operating voltage and temperature •...
The input block allows three modes of operation. In the Single Data Rate (SDR) mode, the data is registered, by one of the registers in the SDR Sync register block, with the system clock. In DDR mode two registers are used to sample the data on the positive and negative edges of the...
other systems, such as conformally coupled scalars. The paper then is organized as follows. In Section 2 we review a general description of multi-trace deformations in the large N limit, which relies on large N factorization. This will make manifest the ...
Share structure and shareholders' rights The structure of share capital, authorised capital and conditional capital, as well as changes in share capital over the past three years and information concerning options issued by the Company or its subsidiary undertakings on Compagnie Financière Tradition's...
The input block allows three modes of operation. In the Single Data Rate (SDR) mode, the data is registered, by one of the registers in the SDR Sync register block, with the system clock. In DDR mode two registers are used to sample the data on the positive and negative edges of the...
In far-from-equilibrium systems, holographic Wilson loops have also been used as probes for thermalization [29, 30]. Nevertheless, veiled by these applications to QGP, nonlinear (and non-dissipative) dynamics of the probe hanging string in AdS has not been shed light on so much. Some ...
G. Barnich, Entropy of three-dimensional asymptotically flat cosmological solutions, JHEP 10 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1208.4371] [INSPIRE]. ADS MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar A. Bagchi, S. Detournay, R. Fareghbal and J. Simón, Holography of 3D Flat Cosmological Horizons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110...