网络释义 1. 牙科分量表 ...龄小于等于12岁的儿童采用改良的儿童畏惧调查表——牙科分量表(CFSS-DS)和Venham临床焦虑及合作行为级别评定量 …|基于 1 个网页
方法对来本科初次就诊的336名4~12岁儿童采用儿科恐惧量表(CFSS-DS)评估分析。结果牙科畏惧症发生率为39.9%。男女生之间发病率没有差异,随年龄增长,发病率呈下降趋势。打针、钻牙等侵入性操作最易引起儿童恐惧。结论牙科畏惧症的发生与年龄及打针、钻牙等侵入性操作有关。 标签:牙科恐惧症;牙科畏惧症;儿童恐惧调查...
CFSS-DS目的研究全麻口腔治療對兒童牙科恐懼症心理的影響.方法收集3~6歲確診為重度低齡兒童齲(S E C C)且患有牙科畏懼症並擬在全麻下完成口腔治療患兒118名,其中男性患兒42名,女性患兒76名.收集患者基本信息,在全麻術前一週和術後一週應用中文版CFSS-DS問卷表對其進行調查,並用SPSS20.0對得分進行統計分析.結果...
目的调查目前合肥地区4~12 岁儿童牙科恐惧症流行情况及原因分析.方法对来本科初次就诊的336名4~12岁儿童采用儿科恐惧量表(CFSS-DS)评估分析.结果牙科畏惧症发生率 为39.9%.男女生之间发病率没有差异,随年龄增长,发病率呈下降趋势.打针,钻牙等侵入性操作最易引起儿童恐惧.结论牙科畏惧症的发生与年龄及打针, 钻牙...
The most frequently used measuring instrument for determination of dental fear and anxiety (DFA) in children nowadays is the Dental Subscale of the Children's Fear Survey Schedule (CFSS-DS). In this study we wanted to explore the reliability and validity of CFSS-DS scale in Bosnian children pa...
QTDS曼曼 20-07-2 03:15 来自微博 此爱天下无双#高伟光##爱高伟光爱公益##高伟光我在颐和园等你##高伟光爱思小姐探案集# ┈┈#向全世界安利高伟光# ┈┈┈|°·*┈┈怕什么路途遥远,走一步有一步的风景,进一步有一步的欢喜,...全文: O网页链接 ...
Methodology: The CFSS-DS was filled out by children (7-11 years old) and their parents on the behalf of their child. The children were asked to fill out the child version of CFSS-DS in their classrooms and the parental version was handed out to...
网络释义 1. 牙科分量表 方法 采用改良的儿童畏惧调查表牙科分量表(CFSS DS)和Venham临床焦虑及合作行为级别评定量表对 15 0例患儿拔牙术前焦 …|基于 1 个网页
Krikken JB, Wijk AJ, Cate JB, et al. Measuring dental fear using the CFSS-DS. Do children and parents agree? Int J Paediatr Dent. 2013;23(2):94–100.Krikken JB, Wijik AJ, Cate JM, Veerkamp JS. Measuring dental fear using the CFSS-DS. Do Children and parents agree?. International...
Summary Aim To test the psychometric properties of an Arabic version of the Child Fear Survey Schedule‐Dental Subscale ( CFSS ‐ DS ) a using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods Two convenience samples were obtained: Sample [1]: 600 boys (33%) and girls attending 4 public schools in On...