The presence of active Madden鈥揓ulian Oscillation (MJO) events improved CFSv2 weekly mean precipitation forecast skill over most parts of the CONUS, but it did not necessarily improve the weekly mean temperature forecasts. The 30-day forecasts of precipitation and temperature indices calculated from...
Strong trades (east to west winds) are indicative of the Inactive Phase of the MJO or La Nina. Data from GFS model. (Click to animate) --- Forecast Conditions ---Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Forecast CFSv2 - Nino 3.4 - Monthly - Uncorrected - Most Recent Ensemble (E3) Courtesy: ...
Drought Monitor (USDM)‐depicted drought intensification over two‐, four‐, and six‐week time periods using recent observations and forecast model output from the Climate Forecasting System (CFS). The predictors used include weekly anomalies in precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, dew point ...
In this work, we evaluate the multiweek forecast skill of Arctic sea ice using the Climate Forecast System, version 2 (CFSv2). To the authors' knowledge, this is the first effort to diagnose and assess the skill of multiweek Arctic sea ice prediction from a coupled atmosphere-ocean model....
Drought Monitor (USDM)‐depicted drought intensification over two‐, four‐, and six‐week time periods using recent observations and forecast model output from the Climate Forecasting System (CFS). The predictors used include weekly anomalies in precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, dew point ...
In real-time applications of the intraseasonal TS activity forecasts, the climatological TS forecast statistics will be used to make the model bias corrections in terms of the storm counts, track distribution and removal of false alarms. An operational implementation of the weekly TS activity ...
RadiationCFSCloudBiasPhysical processAn extensive analysis of radiative flux biases in the Climate Forecast System Model Version 2 (CFSv2) is done. Annual mean and seasonal variations of biases at the surface and top of the atmosphere (TOA) are reported in the global domain. Large regional ...
Pattnaik S, Abhilash S, De S et al (2013) Influence of convective parameterization on the systematic errors of Climate Forecast System (CFS) model over the Indian monsoon region from an extended range forecast perspective. Clim Dyn 41:341–365. : 10.1007/s00382-013-1662-7...
Impact of the new Noah Land Surface Model on the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS)The new coupled system (CFS/Noah) will be tested for the winter of 2002-2003 and summer of 2004, which is the field phase of the N. American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). A new snow albedo algorithm, ...
Variability within the equatorial Pacific is dominated by its response to ENSO, such that both the unfiltered and the LF-filtered forecasts are skillful over the Pacific through the entire 45-day CFSv2 forecast. In fact, the LF forecasts in that region are more skillful than the unfil...