In this paper, the ability of the CFSv2 model to forecast the polar vortex displacements in the stratosphere of the Northern hemisphere is evaluated. We use the ERA-I reanalysis daily data of the potential vortex (pv) and the horizontal wind; vertical wind in the 430, 475, 530, and 600...
Also, the model is skillful in predicting regional rainfall responses during different types of El Nino. Since both deterministic and probabilistic skill scores converge, the suggestion is that the forecast is useful. The model's skill in the real-time forecasts for the period 2006-09 is also ...
展开更多 Based on the CFSv2 climate model product information for the next 45 days provided by the US National Environmental Forecast Center、NCEP/NCAR reanalysis of daily data and daily precipitation data of 85 ground meteorological observatories in Guizhou Province,The forecast...MORE 作者 李浪 ...
LookingatCFShindcastswithdifferentforecast leadingtimesandcomparingthemthewithinitial (GODAS/R2)andbalancedconditions(CMIP) DailyandmonthlyclimatologyofCFS hindcastsfora23-yearperiodfrom1981to 2003 Initiatingdate/month Leadingtimefrom1-45daysand0–8months ...
The NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) (Saha, 2010) is a coupled atmosphere, land, ocean model. At every 6 hour cycle the system uses the high ... CS Long 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Shift of the Arctic polar vortex in recent decades and its simulation by the NCEP CFSv2 By ...
The Climate Forecast System (CFS) is a climate model that we provide live HDD & CDD statistics out to 45 days, ideal for longer term demand predictions. We also provide customized statistics for anywhere in the country or world.We expect you will find the HDD and CDD tables, graphs, and...
模式为美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)开发的Climate Forecast System Version 2(CFSv2)气候预测模式[12],它是一个大气-海洋-陆面全耦合的系统,本文分析了CFSv2输出的回报数据(1982—2010年),为每5 d输出的未来9个月的逐月平均要素预测。在比较模式和实况夏季气候态差异时,采用1月1日—5月26日的各起报日结果的平均...
CFSv2(Climate Forecast System version 2,气候预测系统第二版)是一个重要的气候预测模型。CFSv2 能够对全球范围内的气候进行模拟和预测。它涵盖了大气、海洋、陆地和海冰等多个气候系统组成部分,为研究全球气候变化提供了有力的工具。该模型可以进行不同时间尺度的气候预测,从短期的季节预测到长期的气候趋势预测。这...
A climate model's predictive skill for seasonal temperature and precipitation generally varies with multiple factors, such as location, lead-time, season, and temporal and spatial scales. To fully understand the potential and limitation of the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) in predi...