TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT EHSO provides free access to the federal US environmental regulations, called "Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations", also known as 40CFR or 40 CFR, and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, the US EPA. If you know the "Part" numbe...
美国良好操作规范40gmp21cfrpart11141 系统标签: dietarygmp膳食supplement剂生产batch [联邦法规] [Title21,Volume2][标题21,第2卷] [RevisedasofApril1,2008][日期为2008年4月1日] [CITE:21CFR111][引用:21CFR111] TITLE21--FOODANDDRUGS标题21-食品和药物 CHAPTERI--FOODANDDRUG ADMINISTRATION一章-食品和...
(e) of this chapter satisfies each person's evaluation, notification, and reporting obligation to report defects and failures to comply under this part and the responsibility of individual directors and responsible officers of these licensees to report defects under Section 206 of the Energy ...