(2) In the first kind of test problem, the congestion in the city is simply simulated, whereas it is too simple to represent more features in real path planning. In this kind of MMOPP, different values are assigned to every passable area, which can simulate more complex path planning prob...
The important dates along the timeline for submitting the companion paper and the associated artifacts are: January 6, 2023 (AoE) (extended): deadline for submitting the .pdf and reproducibility archive March, 2023 (tentative): notification of acceptance/rejection (same deadline as for regular pap...
The submission link is: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ECMLPKDDworkshop2023/Submission/Index IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission deadline: June 20, 2023 Accept/Reject Notification: July 17, 2023 Camera-ready deadline: July 31, 2023 Workshop: September 18 or 22, 2023 (TBD) PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS...