value="jsii-pacmak/1.106.0 (build e852934)", date="2025-02-06T22:15:57.512Z") @Stability(Stable) public class CfnInputSecurityGroup extends CfnResource implements IInspectable, ITaggable The AWS::MediaLive::InputSecurityGroup is a MediaLive resource type that creates an input security group....
SecurityGroupIngress:Fn::Flatten:Fn::Map: -[80, 443]-$-Fn::Map: -[,,]-CidrIp:_FromPort:$ToPort:$IpProtocol:tcp Results in: {"SecurityGroupIngress": [ {"CidrIp":"","FromPort":"80","ToPort":"80","IpProtocol":"tcp"}, {"...
Security group ingress rule validation For requests that come from the CFN Ingest Create or Stack Update CT change types: If (IpProtocol is tcp or 6) AND (Port is 80 or 443) , there are no restrictions around the CidrIP value Otherwise, the CidrIP cannot be For requests ...
Describe the bug When non of the'SecurityGroups', 'SecurityGroupIds', 'NetworkInterfaces'is defined in a LaunchTemplate then I get E3014. There are no requirements to have one of them for a LT.
Client Security Group. cfn-modules cfn-modules:ExposeSecurityGroupId hellomichibye •1.0.0•6 years ago•0dependents•Apache-2.0published version1.0.0,6 years ago0dependentslicensed under $Apache-2.0 243 @cfn-modules/fargate-service
Reference these parameters in your guard rule file (e.g.,security_groups.guard): let groups = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' ] let permitted_sgs = NETWORK.allowed_security_groups let permitted_pls = NETWORK.allowed_prefix_lists rule check_permitted_security_groups_or_prefix...
COFINA - SGPS SA engages in the provision of headings of reference, and editing newspapers and magazines. It operates through the Press and Television segments. The Press segment includes paper titles owned by the group. The Television segment involves in broadcasting activities. The company was fo...
这种效果有很多方案,最后选择了一个比较简单的方案,就是一个position: relative;的 div 。包裹5个...
方法一 直接在当前模板目录下建立一个名为 category 的目录,然后在里面放上以你需要单独做模板分类的...
Brian Main and Michael Caridi founded Tree of Knowledge as a small boutique hemp oil operation in 2011 that has become an internationally recognized firm. Mr. Main began his career in the U.S. Marine Corps in a security role guarding classified materials with an ET...